Could you please update your package to make it available for newer versions of R (specifically R 4.4.1)? And could you update it to not be dependent on rgdal, which is retired as of last year? Thank you
You will absolutely need to do this if you want people (myself included) to continue using your package.
ERROR: dependency 'rgdal' is not available for package 'dsmextra'
* removing '/R-4.4/x86_64-w64-mingw32/dsmextra'
Warning: installation of package ‘/dsmextra_1.1.5.tar.gz’ had non-zero exit status
Could you please update your package to make it available for newer versions of R (specifically R 4.4.1)? And could you update it to not be dependent on rgdal, which is retired as of last year? Thank you
You will absolutely need to do this if you want people (myself included) to continue using your package.