Hello, I'd like to test this Smart Player on the Rockies article page. I'm thinking it either needs to be baked into the template, or added when the Rockies auto-producer runs. The code is below:
Smart Player
<div class='s2nPlayer k-5vyDixL5' data-type='float'></div><script type='text/javascript' src='http://embed.sendtonews.com/player3beta/embedcode.js?fk=5vyDixL5&cid=5163&offsetx=0&offsety=0&floatwidth=400&floatposition=bottom-right' data-type='s2nScript'></script>
With the Smart Player a few things, although they never seem to be an issue,
To be compatible with the Smart Player, you must use the OG metadata tag ( http://ogp.me/) .
2. This player is intended for in-article use only. The Smart player may work on sports homepages, but it is not recommended.
The first time smart player is loaded on specific webpage (url), our system will scan the page and create a playlist. There will be a default playlist already set in the player which can be customized.
To allow for easier testing, the small "hamburger" menu changes color depending on if it is using a "Smart Playlist".
Red = Default playlist
Green = Smart playlist
5. The smart player will not work when used within another iframe, (ie like a WPwidget)
Hello, I'd like to test this Smart Player on the Rockies article page. I'm thinking it either needs to be baked into the template, or added when the Rockies auto-producer runs. The code is below:
Smart Player
<div class='s2nPlayer k-5vyDixL5' data-type='float'></div><script type='text/javascript' src='http://embed.sendtonews.com/player3beta/embedcode.js?fk=5vyDixL5&cid=5163&offsetx=0&offsety=0&floatwidth=400&floatposition=bottom-right' data-type='s2nScript'></script>
With the Smart Player a few things, although they never seem to be an issue,