Closed ncrmro closed 8 years ago
I currently have it working (I think?) where the backend and proxy both work with entries like this.
require('babel-register'); require('babel-polyfill'); require('./index');
backend package.json
{ "private": true, "dependencies": { "express-graphql": "^0.4.9", "graphql": "^0.4.18", "graphql-relay": "^0.3.6" }, "scripts": { "postinstall": "npm run update-schema", "start": "node ./src/server.babel.js", "update-schema": "babel-node scripts/updateSchema.js" } }
And working on getting the frontend working. Would you be open to a pull request like this?
Isn't that the same as just "start": "babel-node src"?
"start": "babel-node src"
After looking into it your definitely right. Thanks for the info! Closing.
I currently have it working (I think?) where the backend and proxy both work with entries like this.
backend package.json
And working on getting the frontend working. Would you be open to a pull request like this?