denysdovhan / inboxer

Unofficial, free and open-source Inbox by Gmail Desktop App
MIT License
666 stars 74 forks source link

What will happen to this application when Inbox dies? #76

Closed alaney closed 6 years ago

alaney commented 6 years ago

I, like many others, love Inbox and I am very sad to see it go (in March 2019). I'm now on the search for a new email client. This application came up in several searches but I'm wondering what will happen when Inbox goes offline. If you use their services will you suffer the same fate?

denysdovhan commented 6 years ago

This client will probably die too.

However, it depends on what @jonorozcoc will decide about it. I think it's possible to reimplement all Inbox features using Gmail's API.

byronigoe commented 5 years ago

I'd be willing to help with development of an "Inbox" clone. I thought this repo was that, until I looked at the source code and saw that it just loads the official website in an Electron wrapper.

denysdovhan commented 5 years ago

@byronigoe you're welcome. Ask me if you need something.