denysvitali / covid-cert-analysis

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Clearly forged? #2

Open 0ki opened 2 years ago

0ki commented 2 years ago

How do you ascertain that certificates are clearly forged? What is your process?

Many of these appear to be very likely forged but regarding the Hitler 1930 one... I personally feel 50/50 on it. I don't have access to PL citizen registry so I wouldn't be able to validate.

denysvitali commented 2 years ago

The issue date are all very similar. Chances that those certificates aren't real are quite low IMHO.

Chances that there is really an Adolf Hitler born in 1930 and that got a certificate in the last 3 days it's equally low. Same applies for Spongebob Squarepants :)

0ki commented 2 years ago

So there is no exact process that I, as a security researcher, could follow to reproduce your claims of all these certificates being "clearly forged"? It's more of a guesswork?

denysvitali commented 2 years ago

The only element that should provide a guarantee that the certificate is not forged (the signature) has been breached, apparently. So I guess that nope, there is nothing we can do to distinguish a "real" certificate vs a forged one.

On the other end, we can all agree that an Adolf Hitler born in 1900 couldn't possibly have gotten 2 covid shots... right?

0ki commented 2 years ago

Sounds reasonable. As mentioned, the most uncertainty I have is about the 1930 Adolf.

denysvitali commented 2 years ago

They are all issued within a similar timestamp, but yes, you are right, there is a small chance that they are real (not forged).

Cysioland commented 2 years ago,nazwiska-wystepujace-w-rejestrze-pesel

There is no one with the "Hitler" surname in the Polish citizen database

krystian3w commented 2 years ago

Polish database may have protection to show surname if e.g. have 4 persons or less similar like registry office (urząd stanu cywilnego) publish ony first names if have 5 or more childs with that first name in that year e.g. 2021 published in 2022 as "fancy news".

Pojedyncze wystąpienia nie zostały umieszczone na liście.

Individual speeches ("Single submissions") were not included in the list.

Fancy News - first names: [`,79473,28009685,najpopularniejsze-imiona-2021.html`](,79473,28009685,najpopularniejsze-imiona-2021.html)