Feature: Inventory Agent Should Support ZeroTier API lookups
In order to perform operations on a footprint
As an operator
I would like the dynamic inventory agent to provide inventory items from ZeroTeir API calls
Scenario: Network Member lookup
Given we have a copy of aims-dyninv.py installed to /etc/ansible/hosts
And /etc/ansible/hosts is marked executable on the filesystem
And /etc/environment contains AIMS_TOKEN_ZEROTIER with a provided API key
And /etc/environment contains AIMS_PROVIDER_ZEROTIER with a network id
When we execute ansible as per our task requirements
Then aims-dyninv.py should search ZeroTier's API for members of provided network and should receive a list of server names, and tcp/ip addresses.
Feature: Inventory Agent Should Support ZeroTier API lookups In order to perform operations on a footprint As an operator I would like the dynamic inventory agent to provide inventory items from ZeroTeir API calls
Scenario: Network Member lookup
Given we have a copy of aims-dyninv.py installed to /etc/ansible/hosts And /etc/ansible/hosts is marked executable on the filesystem And /etc/environment contains AIMS_TOKEN_ZEROTIER with a provided API key And /etc/environment contains AIMS_PROVIDER_ZEROTIER with a network id When we execute ansible as per our task requirements Then aims-dyninv.py should search ZeroTier's API for members of provided network and should receive a list of server names, and tcp/ip addresses.