deontologician / spaceship-build

Sci-fi spaceship engineering simulation
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Damage Types #6

Open deontologician opened 10 years ago

deontologician commented 10 years ago

Migrated from original Mech wiki:

Damage Types are commonly seen groupings of various Damage-Effects(#7). While Armor and parts will list what resistance they have to different damage effects, weapons will describe what damage types they have.

Physical Damage

Weapons that use physical objects (ie. bullets, clubs, etc.) inflict physical damage. Ideally, an armor resistant to physical damage would be one that is thick and contains the strongest metals or ceramic plating (or a strong mixture). Other physical damage could be sustained from high impacts such as; high falls, collisions (intended or not (melee)) and other damage based on some sort of high intense physical contact.

Explosive Damage

An explosive material is a material that either is chemically or otherwise energetically unstable or produces a sudden expansion of the material usually accompanied by the production of heat and large changes in pressure (and typically also a flash and/or loud noise) upon initiation; this is called the explosion.

(Operator's Note: leave in as reference plz)

Explosive damage is caused by weapons such as; rockets, missles, grenades and to a lesser extent; explosive bullets. Explosive damage has the effect of causing a high amount of physical damage as well as critically damaging armor that is not reinforced by explosive armor (ie. all other armor types). See Critical-Damage (#8) status effect for more information on how each armor type would be affected.

Electrical Damage

deontologician commented 10 years ago

Migrated comments: o

This page is a list of the documented damage types. Please keep them on the same page while the list is compiled and developed (Operator’s Note: it can be moved to separate pages later. For now it’s where we can see all of the types and mod freely.)

Damage Types Physical Damage Projectile Damage Concussive
Melee Damage Slashing
?Direct Component Damage?
Non-Physical Damage Electro Magnetic The italicized components I feel are more status effects than types however they should be things that can be prevented against thus making them almost a type. If we want to be really pure we could have very few ‘types’ of damages but just have a very detailed array of effects by combinations of them and how they’re used. I think this would be more realistic as today’s weaponry isn’t so varied in it’s ‘types’ but it’s effects are immense.
?Signal Jamming?
?Signal/Component Hijacking?

I’m not trying to use damage types as status effect inducers but rather as an explanation of what collateral damage the weapon can have. Like how an explosion is different from a bullet. We need to elaborate more on how components and parts work together before we can continue I think. —Jason Mar 16, 2008 01:36

“I’m not trying to use damage types as status effect inducers” However they do induce status effects …
“an explanation of what collateral damage the weapon can have” This is exactly what I just said. Keep the damage types simple, but have their effects be numerous. If you can choose your effects first then you can simply the types that cause them, I brought it up because you’re page is ‘damage TYPEs’ but you’re only really discussing things which are a RESULT of damage, not types. -Alan Mar 16, 2008 03:22pm

I really like this idea. I think damage-types and effects of damage can both go on the same page, just under different headings. We can look at the sensor page to get ideas for damage effects. With a “grouping” system like this, we can add damage types any time by just picking some damage effects and how much of each they cause — Josh, March 16, 11:09 am