department-of-veterans-affairs / abd-vro

To get Veterans benefits in minutes, VRO software uses health evidence data to help fast track disability claims.
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Consume BIP contention event streams #1642

Closed dianagriffin closed 10 months ago

dianagriffin commented 1 year ago

This is an epic representing new feature development for VRO to consume contention events and make that data integration available to partner products in VRO.

User Stories


Consume/subscribe to the following topics from the BIE service:


Persist the events published to these streams somewhere that is queryable. We are interested in the following data elements for each event:

If events include other fields, it is likely fine to persist them -- please discuss with product owner. Please don't persist PII. Note that contention name/text can contain PII.

We don’t want this persistence to require a change to our ATO, so it should not exceed the policy we had in place for the data we persisted for RRD (which I believe was 90 days but please look at code to confirm).

Acceptance Criteria

  1. VRO is connected to the BIE service in all non-prod and prod environments
  2. VRO listens for/consumes/subscribes to all 4 kafka topics listed above
  3. VRO persists the event data in a queryable storage where the query results are presentable to product owners.

Tickets within this epic

Not included in this work

This initial work will lay a foundation for future feature development using and analyzing contention event stream data. Further implementation of features/logic that are triggered by the event stream data will be covered by future tickets/epics.

Note s about work

yoomlam commented 1 year ago

Documenting results of engineering discussion:

This strategy would minimize the domain's dependence on the VRO platform to implement a general BIE Kafka client. This can potentially free up the VRO Team to enable focusing on setting up the infrastructure for connecting to non-prod and prod BIE Kafka, setting up a Slack connection for non-prod and prod, etc.

yoomlam commented 1 year ago

Review how Yoom would accomplish this

engineer-plus-plus commented 1 year ago

" to have the capability to subscribe to [some kid of] events" " to consume [some kid of] events"

Just to clarify, do these two quotes mean the same thing? If not, an explanation what the author means may make the story more clear. If they are same, editing the story to use consistent language would, IMHO, make it easier to understand.

engineer-plus-plus commented 1 year ago

So the point of this is to listen to some types of evens in Kafka and forward them to Slack channels? Forgive me if it's an obvious question, but why? Why to Slack? So that what? So that " Contention Classification team member . . . can parse and analyze that data in measuring the accuracy of my contention classification service."? Are they to do it by hand? As in a human will be doing data entry from Slack to some form?

yoomlam commented 1 year ago

@engineer-plus-plus They are not exactly the same; maybe they are "2 sides of the same coin"? Basically, something needs to subscribe/register-to-listen to those events, and something needs to consume/handle the events as they come in.

yoomlam commented 1 year ago

I'm providing the following update to help @dianagriffin create sprint tickets. Further details will be provided as a result of the tech spec from #1662.

New approach: Implement a general (non-BIE-specific) Kakfa mock and client (tasks 2, 3, and 4); then updated them to work with BIE's Kafka service (tasks 5, 6, 7, and 8).

While there are more tasks than my original thoughts, the amount of effort is less. The tasks are smaller in scope and have fewer task dependencies, allowing us to get more done earlier. For example, tasks 1, 2, 3, and 9 can be started in parallel.


  1. Answer: For each relevant BIE environment, how do we connect to BIE Kafka (or what is the URL and authentication)? Implicit in this is: What are "all non-prod and prod environments" -- I presume this is referring to BIE environments?
    • Ask Luke to demo connecting to BIE in each env -- Connect to BIE contention event streams in DEV8 env #1159
    • How does DEV8 env map to LHDI envs? What are other BIE envs?
    • Create a Kafka-client container image; Go to each respective LHDI envs and test connection to BIE
  2. Implement a mock general (non-BIE) Kafka service for testing and dev
    • Use a Kafka container image with minimal modifications
    • Save the Dockerfile in mocks/mock-bie-kafka/src/docker/
  3. Implement a platform (domain-independent) Kafka client to connect to the mock general Kafka service
    • Depends on 2 in order to complete (but can be started with no dependencies)
    • Create a new microservice in a new svc-bie-kafka Gradle subproject
    • It needs to interface with other VRO microservices via RabbitMQ
  4. Implement example domain code that uses the platform BIE Kafka client and saves Kafka events to the DB
    • Depends on 2 and 3
    • Add a new Camel route to domain-xample/xample-workflows/
    • Create an integration test that creates a Kafka topic and publishes events to the topic
  5. Update the mock general Kafka service to be like BIE's Kafka service (for testing and dev)
    • Depends on 2
    • Create Kafka topics exactly like BIE's, including authentication
    • To facilitate integration tests, create a trigger (e.g., an API call) for events to be published to the topics
  6. Update the platform BIE Kafka client to connect to the mock BIE Kafka service
    • Depends on 3
    • Depends on 5 in order to complete
    • Authenticate to mock BIE's Kafka service; only this microservice holds the credentials and is responsible for authenticating
  7. Update example domain code to save BIE-specific event details to the DB
    • Subscribe to BIE topics
    • Update integration tests
  8. Update Helm configs and Vault secrets with BIE credentials, and deploy to LHDI and test in each relevant env - Depends on 6
  9. Set up DataDog to show saved DB contents
graph TD

subgraph Kafka
    subgraph BIE[BIE env]

    subgraph test_env[Test env]

kafka-client -->|subscribe| bie-kafka -.->|event| kafka-client

subgraph VRO
    subgraph svc-bie-kafka
        kafka-client -.-> kafkaEvent-notifier

    subgraph xample-workflow
        subscribe(subscribe to kafka topic)
        event-handler(kafkaEvent-handler) -.-> saveToDB

    subscribe --> subscribeQ
    subscribeQ[\subscribe Queue/] --> svc-bie-kafka
    kafkaEvent-notifier -.-> kafkaEventQ[\Queue for kafkaEvent/] -.-> event-handler
    saveToDB -.-> DB

DB --> DataDog

style DB fill:#aea,stroke-width:4px
style svc-bie-kafka fill:#AAF,stroke-width:2px,stroke:#777
style xample-workflow fill:#FAA,stroke-width:2px,stroke:#777
style test_env fill:#AAA,stroke-width:2px,stroke:#777
style Kafka fill:#EEE,stroke-width:2px,stroke:#777