The abd-vro wiki is out of sync with the project's state. It also documents items that perhaps should not be included. There may also be documentation gaps that resulted from recent pivots.
See this Canvas for items that have not yet been addressed.
[ ] Review the proposed changes that are needed to the wiki with the entire team including stakeholders and align around what we can remove and what we should keep.
[ ] Clean up what you can and work with Megan to create follow up tickets for any additional cleanup impossible to get to.
[ ] Document the changes needed and attach to this ticket
abd-vro wiki
break off into different issues - - [ ] Bernie to share VRO checklist from the Enablement Team (this is what are stakeholders are using for the source of truth for documentation)
The abd-vro wiki is out of sync with the project's state. It also documents items that perhaps should not be included. There may also be documentation gaps that resulted from recent pivots.
See this Canvas for items that have not yet been addressed.