Automated source code scanning for potential security issues using CodeQL, Dependabot, and Secret Scanning is required for all repositories in the VA GitHub Enterprise Cloud.
There are steps that you will need to take to configure your repository to enable CodeQL code scanning. Dependabot and Secret Scanning will be automatically configured.
The steps that you will need to take to configure your repository to enable CodeQL code scanning will be different depending on whether you are using GitHub CI tools or the external Jenkins CI tool:
Additional resources that you will need when you are configuring your repository to enable CodeQL using the guidance provided in the above-linked technical notes include the following:
Action Required!
Automated source code scanning for potential security issues using CodeQL, Dependabot, and Secret Scanning is required for all repositories in the VA GitHub Enterprise Cloud.
There are steps that you will need to take to configure your repository to enable CodeQL code scanning. Dependabot and Secret Scanning will be automatically configured.
Our automation has analyzed your repository and identified the following supported CodeQL languages.
The steps that you will need to take to configure your repository to enable CodeQL code scanning will be different depending on whether you are using GitHub CI tools or the external Jenkins CI tool:
Additional resources that you will need when you are configuring your repository to enable CodeQL using the guidance provided in the above-linked technical notes include the following:
To request technical support: