department-of-veterans-affairs / caseflow

Caseflow is a web application that enables the tracking and processing of appealed claims at the Board of Veterans' Appeals.
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Judge queue | Handle Acting Judge case #5385

Closed amprokop closed 4 years ago

amprokop commented 6 years ago

Some attorneys were previously acting judges. An acting judge is an attorney who had applied for the privileges to hear Veteran cases at a hearing and therefore decide/sign those decisions. They do not write the decisions for these cases. Instead, another attorney writes them. The frequency of acting judges has decreased over time.

These attorneys need a way to toggle between the Judge view of queue and Attorney view.



To be reviewed by team before development can begin

Attorney View


Switching to Acting Judge via toggle


Judge View


Switching to Attorney via toggle


Additional context

Discusion 5/2

evankroske commented 6 years ago

Personally, I think that a regular dropdown would be the most clear:

Role: | Acting Judge |
      | Attorney     |
lpciferri commented 6 years ago

I agree with the dropdown!

amprokop commented 6 years ago

👍this could work, @dannysellers or @evankroske could probably make an evaluation of engineering lift here if we needed

amprokop commented 6 years ago

@sneha-pai — i guess we've decided not to stitch these tasks into the existing "Your Queue" view? Wondering if we ever asked an eng to look into that.

dannysellers commented 6 years ago

I'm sure there are prefab toggle switch React components we could find that would make the overall engineering lift pretty minimal, but I don't know that a dropdown is any less clear, and would take slightly less time.

I'm not sure how complicated it would be to switch roles without reloading the page—we'd basically have to restart the site—but with reloading the page I don't think it'd be too difficult

lpciferri commented 6 years ago

@amprokop - re: not stitching them into the existing "Your Queue" view. I believe we all had this conversation about a role toggle together at the whiteboard in Hoth and that surfaced the toggle as the simplest option.

Shall we move forward with the dropdown option? @sneha-pai @dannysellers @evankroske

sneha-pai commented 6 years ago

@laurjpeterson @amprokop @mkhandekar Regarding Alex's comment above re: stitching this toggle to the Queue components more closely: what if we added this role toggle to the top left or right area, floating above the queue container (especially if we're moving search to navigation)?


mkhandekar commented 6 years ago

I just want to make sure I'm understanding the different approaches clearly.

1. User sees all cases for both roles in one table

My read of Alex's comment:

i guess we've decided not to stitch these tasks into the existing "Your Queue" view?

... is to not show a universal toggle, rather, show all tasks in the table normally, and

2. User has to choose an option from the role dropdown to see cases for that role

@sneha-pai Yes! Moving the dropdown closer to the table so that it is more clear what that action will affect, might look like this:

image uploaded from ios

lpciferri commented 5 years ago

during 10/31 BVA leadership/DS meeting, BVA leadership decided we should not focus on building functionality for acting judges because she will be reassessing whether AVLJs will still be in use come January

sneha-pai commented 5 years ago

Anya's notes:

Currently if a user is both an acting and an attorney, the queue page defaults to attorney view. On judge assignment page, if assigned_to is both an acting judge and an attorney, we default to an attorney when creating a task.

A few things to think about: 1. When a user with both roles loads a queue page, do we display a role toggle? 2. When a judge assigns a case to a user with both roles, should we give a judge an option to choose which role (attorney or judge) to use or do we want to default to a role on the BE?

sneha-pai commented 5 years ago

Discussion Questions:

Do we need to rely on roles at all (technical part)?

Activities we need:

Review cases:

Assigning cases:

lpciferri commented 5 years ago

LP's raw notes:

lpciferri commented 5 years ago

LP's todos:

lpciferri commented 5 years ago

The Board has appointed more acting judges. We haven't deprecated DAS yet (and aren't likely to do so in the next few months). Posting those acting judges here so we have them.

01-19-03 AVLJ June.pdf

lpciferri commented 5 years ago

Note: another idea about acting judges - creating an organization, here We may end up wanting to close this issue in favor of a more up to date one.

lpciferri commented 4 years ago

Closing this ticket because it's over a year old.

Acting judges can complete all their work for AMA cases. They're still working on legacy cases in VACOLS.