department-of-veterans-affairs / caseflow

Caseflow is a web application that enables the tracking and processing of appealed claims at the Board of Veterans' Appeals.
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Discussion: Product focused slack channels #5412

Closed lpciferri closed 6 years ago

lpciferri commented 6 years ago

resurfacing slack discussions from retro last week! will bring up during standup to define the right path forward for coming to a decision, but notes here:

i have a suggestion to split up and/or rename some of our channels into product-specific channels, while keeping some norms that seem to be working. (like for queue, the team has benefited from a design/feature definition channel (appeals-queue) and an engineering focused channel (appeals-foxtrot))

examples of this would be:

some reasoning:

risks - and my suggested mitigation:

initial slack thread:

lpciferri commented 6 years ago

Initial slack comments:

Leah Bannon [2 days ago] so would the team channels be reserved for team and stand up related content and then all product-related discussions would go in their specific channels? I think as long as we have clear lists of what goes in each channel, more slack channels is ultimately less work once you get used to it, because it's easier to fine tune the level of attention you pay to each channel

Lauren Peterson [1 day ago] i was thinking that we wouldn't have a whiskey or foxtrot channel anymore. does sierra have a sierra channel and an intake channel?

Leah Bannon [1 day ago] We have just intake, but that's also our only product. I was considering a similar change, but after poking around the rooms, it seemed like yall still need a space for everyone on a team like foxtrot to do stand up or warn you when they'll be out. Also, I wasn't sure where notifications would go for something that multiple products are using, since we're sharing a lot. If we can sort those out, I think the change will make slack more intuitive.

Lauren Peterson [1 day ago] i was thinking we'd rename appeals-foxtrot to appeals-queue-eng and use it the same way. that is where we host standup today

Lauren Peterson [1 day ago] what's an example for something that multiple products are using? @holtz created appeals-touchpoints a few weeks ago

Lara Kohl [18 minutes ago] I think this would help follow the thread of conversations, and would also be better for product owners and designers who are part of a different team. The downside is that it would create more slack channels.

amprokop commented 6 years ago

πŸ‘ This approach can help people focus more on current priorities! Thanks for thinking through it, @laurjpeterson!

leahbannon commented 6 years ago

I love this idea. I think the only thing you're overlooking in your proposal are some of the non-product-team-related discussions currently happening in #appeals-foxtrot, like:

My hunch is that you might want to keep the #appeals-foxtrot channel, but only use it for that ^ stuff, and then all other product-related discussions go in those channels.

I also propose getting rid of #appeals-touchpoints in favor of greater visibility (cause that's the point) in the main #appeals channel.

lpciferri commented 6 years ago

@leahbannon so i understand correctly, are you thinking 3 channels per team?

  1. appeals-foxtrot (or sierra, tango, etc.) = async standup, slack calls, status, memes, heads up
  2. appeals-queue-eng = queue focused engineering discussions
  3. appeals-queue-design = queue focused design and feature definition discussions

or were you thinking:

  1. appeals-foxtrot = team focused convos
  2. appeals-queue = both engineering and design conversations
    • risk here is that queue channel will have all the action, and foxtrot won't have much

the third option is to just do everything in appeals-queue!

mkhandekar commented 6 years ago

Yes, πŸ‘to both this:

  1. appeals-foxtrot = team focused convos (standups, slack calls, team whereabouts) < though this seems more valuable if there are more than 1 product team in a channel, to reduce noise?
  2. appeals-queue = all product, engineering and design conversations

and this:

I also propose getting rid of #appeals-touchpoints in favor of greater visibility (cause that's the point) in the main #appeals channel.

anyakhvost commented 6 years ago

I don't have strong preference so I am open to any channel changes.

mdbenjam commented 6 years ago

I also like

  1. appeals-foxtrot = team focused convos
  2. appeals-queue = both engineering and design conversations

I think having whiskey around for other team focus conversations (if there is a whiskey team) is useful.

sharonwarner commented 6 years ago

Agreed. We use appeals-tango for our standup call in the morning. If we only had appeals-hearing-scheduling and appeals-hearing-prep, I'm not sure which one we would use for standup.

abbyraskinUSDS commented 6 years ago

πŸ‘ above, though I would also be fine with having everything in one channel. I see the need for some teams to have joint standups, but not sure it warrants an additional channel that might not be used for much else. I think teams are generally mapped to a single product (or priority product) at this point, or will be in the near future (in the case of HP). I definitely +1 that all product disciplines (eng, design, product, etc.) should be encouraged to communicate in a single place. I'm not sure i see a significant distinction between "team" convo and product convo.

lpciferri commented 6 years ago

Discussion 5/11.
