department-of-veterans-affairs / roadrunner

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Branding > Color #107

Closed gnakm closed 8 years ago

gnakm commented 8 years ago
screen shot 2016-03-03 at 12 36 56 pm screen shot 2016-03-03 at 12 37 06 pm

Color: This palette is designed to support a range of distinct visual styles that continue to feel connected. The intent of the palette is to convey a warm and open American spirit, with bright saturated tints of blue, grounded in sophisticated deeper shades of cool blues and grays. These colors — combined with clear hierarchy, good information design, and ample white space — should leave users feeling welcomed and in good hands.

This is a simple, minimalist color palette. Shades of blue dominate, providing a neutral backdrop on which brighter shades, clean type treatment, and bright white content areas "pop" on the page.

Primary: This palette’s primary colors are blue, gray, and white. Blue is commonly associated with trust, confidence, and sincerity; it is also used to represent calmness and responsibility.

Primary Hex: #0071bc

Primary- darker Hex: #205493

Primary- darker Hex: #205493

Gray Dark Hex: #205493

Gray Lightest Hex: #205493

White Hex: #FFFFFF

Secondary: These are accent colors to provide additional lightness and style to pages looking for a more modern flair. These colors should be used to highlight important features on a page, such as buttons and breadcrumb. They should be used sparingly and never draw the eye to more than one piece of information at a time.

Gold Hex: #FAC922

Green Hex: #2e8540

Tertiary: These colors are used primarily for content-specific needs, such as alerts and callout information. They should never overpower the primary colors.

Primary-alt-lightest Hex: #e1f3f8

green-lightest Hex: #e7f4e4

secondary-lightest Hex: #f9dede

webinista commented 8 years ago

Blocks #118