As an AEDP team member, I want to prepare for the upcoming user study, so that all logistics, materials, and tools are in place for a smooth execution of the research plan.
[ ] Participants have been confirmed, scheduled, and prepped with any necessary information.
[ ] Observer sheet has been created and distributed.
[ ] Equality checker has been completed.
[ ] Test environment and tools (e.g., software, recording devices) are set up and tested.
[ ] Sharepoint folders have been set up.
[ ] Observer murals have been prepared using the template.
[ ] Slack canvas has been updated with important information and artifacts.
[ ] Prototypes have been finalized and prepared for use in the study.
[ ] The conversation guide and any study documentation are ready and distributed to facilitators.
Review needed by
[ ] VA Product Owner
[ ] Product Manager
[ ] UX Research Team
[ ] Engineering Team
Definition of Done
[ ] Documentation has been updated, if applicable.
User Story
As an AEDP team member, I want to prepare for the upcoming user study, so that all logistics, materials, and tools are in place for a smooth execution of the research plan.
Review needed by
Definition of Done