[ ] The team has a shared, documented understanding of this pattern
[ ] what are our assumptions about the pattern
[ ] how we plan to test them
[ ] Research Plan has been created and submitted
[ ] Designs have been created for our pattern
[ ] Pattern has been reviewed by DSC and a collab cycle staging review point
[ ] A pattern exists in VADS
[ ] Code examples are provided
[ ] Design resources are provided
[ ] Governance is provided including mockups and content
[ ] STRETCH Have at least two teams implement the pattern on VA.gov
[ ] STRETCH The pattern has been submitted to USWDS for consideration
### Tasks
- [ ] Discover what the "Help users to... Review and update prefilled information" pattern is
- [ ] Research existing pattern usage
- [ ] Synthesize discovery findings
- [ ] Determine what we're testing and how
- [ ] Draft design variations
- [ ] Draft research plan
- [ ] Build out prototypes for updating profile information
- [ ] Finalize designs
- [ ] Finalize research plan
- [ ] Submit research plan
- [ ] Open USWDS contriubtion task
- [ ] User study prep work
- [ ] Conduct user research study
- [ ] Synthesize user research findings
- [ ] Create VADS governance content
- [ ] Submit pattern for DSC review
- [ ] Submit pattern for Staging review
- [ ] Prepare for USWDS workshop
- [ ] Synthesize USWDS workshop feedback
As a Veteran, I want to stay informed of my requests, so I can track the progress of things such as helpdesk tickets.
We believe that creating a case management workflow, including guidance, example code, and design resources, will:
Additional Notes
This may tie back into, or extend, the already existing pattern for "stay informed on their application status"/