department-of-veterans-affairs / va-forms-system-core

VA Forms System Core will be a React library hosted in NPM that will allow engineers and designers to easily interact with Forms inside of vets-website.
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[Forms System] Q3 2022 Initiative: Prepare to transition Forms Library Team deliverables and handoffs #416

Closed taylorkaren closed 2 years ago

taylorkaren commented 2 years ago

Problem Statement

There is a potential for a contract transition to take place in mid-September, 2022, that will require the Forms Library Team to transition the work done to date on the new VA Forms System Core (VAFSC) and hand off ongoing support work for the current Forms Library.

How might the Forms Library Team plan for a smooth transitions, should it be needed, and also plan for continuing to work on all things forms should the transition not be needed?

Hypothesis or Bet

The hypothesis/bet for this initiative is that by identifying at the beginning of Q3 the VAFSC deliverables and current Forms Library handoffs that would be needed in a transition scenario, we will be able to work towards having those items in a good state to transition as of September 1, 2022.

See the Q3 FLT Roadmap Brainstorm Mural board for details on VAFSC Deliverables and current Forms Library Handoffs.


We will know we're done when... ("Definition of Done")

Known Blockers/Dependencies

Projected Launch Date

Launch Checklist

Guidance (delete before posting)

This checklist is intended to be used to help answer, "is my Platform initiative ready for launch?". All of the items in this checklist should be completed, with artifacts linked---or have a brief explanation of why they've been skipped---before launching a given Platforminitiative. All links or explanations can be provided in Required Artifacts sections. The items that can be skipped are marked as such.

Keep in mind the distinction between Product and Initiative --- each Product needs specific supporting documentation, but Initiatives to improve existing Products should reuse existing documentation for that Product. VSP Product Terminology for details.

Is this service / tool / feature...

... tested?

... documented?

... measurable

When you're ready to launch...

Required Artifacts





raywangoctova commented 2 years ago

@humancompanion-usds Can you add/tag Q3 FY22 to the milestone for this issue? This is required by Jeff for the DE product board.

humancompanion-usds commented 2 years ago

Transition to the Design System Team is complete.