VA Forms System Core will be a React library hosted in NPM that will allow engineers and designers to easily interact with Forms inside of vets-website.
Replicate Prefill & SiP APIs in VAFSC and attempt to get data back from vets-api.
Ticket: Port over Prefill & SiP API from vets-website, specifically the fetchInProgressForm function, objective should be to fetch data from vets-api
Ticket: Consume Prefill data and feed it into Formik as initial values
Ticket: Port over save form API specifically the saveFormApi function, objective should be to post data to vets-api
Ticket: Call saveFormApi from within forms built with VAFSC
Ticket: Once fetch and save functionality has been completed, port over functionality for removing a SiP form from the api specifically, the removeFromApi function
Ticket - Once removeFromApi is ported and working, create functionality to allow users to remove manually from the introduction page, similar to what’s offered currently with providing the option to start over.
The VAFSC Prefill & Save in Progress Initial Discovery page has the complete summary of the analysis work done on Prefill and Save in Progress - content from that page can be used to provide details for the tickets when we write them.
List of tickets we will need to write for Pre-fill/Save in Progress work (from VAFSC Prefill & Save in Progress Initial Discovery):
The VAFSC Prefill & Save in Progress Initial Discovery page has the complete summary of the analysis work done on Prefill and Save in Progress - content from that page can be used to provide details for the tickets when we write them.