VA Forms System Core will be a React library hosted in NPM that will allow engineers and designers to easily interact with Forms inside of vets-website.
VAFSC needs to submit data to vets-api. This means providing users with accurate feedback around the status of their submission. Users should know if their application submission is pending, successful, for failed for some reason.
initial work complete around the transformForSubmit hook - ticket #450).
As part of this analysis, have a broader discussion around how to handle errors. As part of that discussion, make sure the submit button never disappears, which would resolve this issue: Error on Review Page - Submit Button
Current forms library submission feedback is handled by the SubmitButtons Component which is a child of SubmitController. SubmitController reads submission status from redux and passes it to SubmitButtons.
VAFSC needs to submit data to vets-api. This means providing users with accurate feedback around the status of their submission. Users should know if their application submission is pending, successful, for failed for some reason.
Acceptance Criteria