department-of-veterans-affairs / va-mobile-app

"If VA were a company, it would have a flagship mobile app."
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Automation/9687-chanel-optomization-to-automatically-push-changes-on-PR #10217

Open IsraelleHub opened 6 days ago

IsraelleHub commented 6 days ago

Description of Change

The current Optimaze images workflow is trying to directly push changes to the release/vx.x.x branch, which is being rejected by the protected branch settings, as indicated by this error: "remote: - Changes must be made through a pull request."

A solution will be to: [ ] modify Optimization workflow to create a pull request (PR) for the optimized images. This will allow the changes to go through the proper review process. [ ] After observing the behavior for some time, we can now allow it to push changes directly to release/cx.x.x branch



Reviewer Validations

PR Checklist

Reviewer: Confirm the items below as you review

For QA

Run a build for this branch