department-of-veterans-affairs / va-mobile-app

"If VA were a company, it would have a flagship mobile app."
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Health: allergies #6520

Closed rachelhanster closed 1 year ago

rachelhanster commented 1 year ago

Epic Objective

## User Story As a veteran, I want to view and share my allergies so that I and my health team are informed in managing my health ## Definition of Done ## External Dependencies / Blockers

Epic Scope

## Whats Not in Scope ## Timing ## Related OCTO Goals __________________________________________ ## Discovery Task (feature discovery) ## Discovery task (i.e. conversation with another team, review of past research, collaboration with engineering, etc) ## Key Takeaways

Project Checklist

Product Checklist

Design/UX Checklist

Research Checklist

Content Checklist

Engineering Checklist

Analytics Checklist

QA Checlist

kellylein commented 1 year ago

Moved to #6669 since this was an Issue instead of an Epic.