department-of-veterans-affairs / va-mobile-app

"If VA were a company, it would have a flagship mobile app."
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BUG - sev-3 - All - Oracle patients don't have loading or error information about the cerner locations call #8863

Open TKDickson opened 5 months ago

TKDickson commented 5 months ago

What happened?

We don't currently have an error or loading state for Cerner "Oracle Health" users on any screens - home, health category, any feature screen where we'd show the Cerner disclaimers (like messages, appointments, etc).

So basically, the displays for all three of these states are all the same (they are all absent of content):

For.... nearly every other call in the app, we'd have different displays for each of those states (loading, error, and null). I thought seeing the distinction via table kind of helps:



Steps to Reproduce

Desired behavior

Should we better differentiate between them by having loading & error indicators for Cerner stuff? I think yes.

But - UX team will need to figure out if they'd like to make a change, and what it would be

Acceptance Criteria


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TKDickson commented 5 months ago

Have the blocked-UX label because this isn't workable by FE until a decision is made if this is a change we should make, and what the display/content would look like

Sparowhawk commented 3 months ago

@ala-yna this one is still blocked as we need some copy and design input

mistymg commented 2 months ago

@ala-yna for this discussion with Therese, can you include Lauren? I'd like design input, too.

mistymg commented 2 months ago

@TKDickson Just to confirm, you're NOT saying there are NO loading indicators at all happening on these screens. Just that we don't have a specific loading indicator explicitly calling out that we're checking if they're a OH patient?

TKDickson commented 2 months ago

@mistymg that's correct. On the screens where we have Cerner/Oracle-related information (Home, Health Landing, the various feature landing pages), we have loading indicators for other stuff on those screens, and not the Cerner/Oracle stuff.