department-of-veterans-affairs / va-mobile-app

"If VA were a company, it would have a flagship mobile app."
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BUG - sev-3 - Android - ~10 seconds of non-responsiveness at app startup (sometimes) #9557

Open TKDickson opened 2 months ago

TKDickson commented 2 months ago

What happened?

If I force-quit the app (after having logged in), then open it again, there's a good ~10 seconds where an empty black screen displays, rather than the sync screen (or any other intentional app screen).

I'm not sure what's going on during this time (us? platform/device stuff? calling firebase? etc) so I'm guessing there's a non-zero chance that delays could be even longer for veterans in production. We do have user reports of a completely non-responsive app, maybe this is what they're talking about. Example:

I downloaded this app and it will not load up so that I can even log into it. I deleted it within 15 minutes due to non-operation


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-Binny Note: Confirm how early in this video our code actually begins executing.

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dumathane commented 2 months ago

Confirm how early in this video our code actually begins executing.