department-of-veterans-affairs / va-mobile-library
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[Bug] Fix horizontal alignment #239

Closed narin closed 3 months ago

narin commented 3 months ago

Description of Change

This PR serves as a minor bug fix ticket as well as the validation for the Link. Tested the Link component in the app by replacing some phone, tty, attachment and links in Secure Messaging.

Noticed that if a Link does not have a Box surrounding it, it will be horizontally centered. Removing the justifyContent: center in this PR aligns the Link left while maintaining other styling. Also noticed that the icon is not vertically aligned at larger text sizes but since that is a more complex fix, created ticket to address it separately.

Tested iOS Voiceover and Android talkback on links and verified that a11y labels and a11y hints are identical. iOS screen recordings attached below. Android screen recording did not include the voicings.

Testing Packages


Alignment fix



External Link functionality

Attachment Link functionality

External Link iOS Voiceover

Attachment Link iOS Voiceover

Secure Messaging


PR Checklist

Code reviewer validation:


If changes warrant a new version per the versioning guidelines and the PR is approved and ready to merge:

TimRoe commented 3 months ago

Audio isn't working for the "Secure Messaging" video on Android--for whatever reason Android doesn't record the screen reader, need to select the option with microphone on and it picks it up that way (or maybe there's some other setting to fix it).

Edit: Ah, nvm the write-up mentioned it "Android screen recording did not include the voicings."

Also, is that preexisting that the hyperlinks are so poorly vertically aligned with the rest of the text in secure messaging?

Looking back at a Slack thread discussing it doesn't look that misaligned: image

narin commented 3 months ago

@TimRoe I had a combination of both the old links and the new Link components mixed in to test them side by side which I think was causing that. Stripped out the old links and vertical alignment looks pretty close to it was:

Simulator Screenshot - iPhone 15 - 2024-03-13 at 13 58 22