department-of-veterans-affairs / va-mobile-library
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Link - Update Active state #260

Closed jessicawoodin closed 2 months ago

jessicawoodin commented 3 months ago

After sprint demo, Ryan pointed out that we were using the wrong active state for the Link component. Instead of the text appearing bold, we should add a background behind the Link area.

In light mode, the background will be grayLighter. In dark mode, the background will be grayDark.

Here's a prototype with the Link component on various background colors.

As an additional AC: this should add unit tests for the onPress behavior--ignored doing so for the press-for-bold as it was going away soon with this ticket.

Note: In the future, we may need to add focus states to our components. The active state for the Link component may change if/when that happens.

TimRoe commented 2 months ago

To document, added a note about unit tests:

As an additional AC: this should add unit tests for the onPress behavior--ignored doing so for the press-for-bold as it was going away soon with this ticket.