department-of-veterans-affairs / va-mobile-library
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[Bug] Link - Icon Overrides Incorrectly Require Icon Name and Icon not Centered with Font Scaling #275

Closed TimRoe closed 2 months ago

TimRoe commented 2 months ago

Description of Change

A significant bug with overriding icon properties was noted in Slack when implementing the Link component. This ticket fixes it.

The bug was caused by Icon component being updated to use TS to force either name or svg props to be sent while Link was not updated to reflect that reality--in initial development it worked correctly because all props to Icon were optional.

Additionally, this ticket removed setting the icon default size to 24x24 in Link as the interim Icon updates also established that in the icon itself.

4/10/24 update: Rolled the bugfix for #240 into this PR as flagship was waiting for that as well before moving forward. Created a new beta build for flagship with the fix.

Additionally, cleaned up the custom useEffect hook for listening for fontScale changes in the Icon component and replaced with the built in react-native hook that listens for font scale changes.

Testing Packages


4/10/24 update:


Kind of tested in iOS/Web, but Storybook doesn't really allow to allow testing because it incessantly re-adds to prop thereby preventing testing of the actual scenario of sending IconProps overrides without having the icon set (manually).

Provided beta build to Chris A on the flagship team to validate both with his in progress changes and so it'll be validated by app-level QA.

4/10/24 update: Tested around in Storybook to ensure the fix for keeping the icon alignment centered worked regardless of font scaling including with maxWidth and preventScaling attributes set to the icon. Note: it does still appear visually slightly off center due to fonts themselves biasing towards the lower part of the line height, but the icon is centered using the inspector tool.

Provided an updated beta build to Chris A on the flagship team to validate both with his in progress changes and so it'll be validated by app-level QA.

PR Checklist

Code reviewer validation:


If changes warrant a new version per the versioning guidelines and the PR is approved and ready to merge: