department-of-veterans-affairs / va-mobile-library
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[Enhancement] Improve Storybook Icon documentation to display all icons #346

Closed TimRoe closed 3 weeks ago

TimRoe commented 3 weeks ago

Description of Change

Used the Storybook built in IconGallery and IconItem components paired with an iterating function to build out a grid of all our icons and insert it into the Docs page for the Icon component story section.

It was decided against, but I committed a prototype method of coercing the icon gallery into being a story with this commit, modeled on this comment from a discussion of the error I was encountering.



Validated appeared in Web as expected. Minor bug with (5) long icon names being cut off, but it is a known bug with Storybook and Jessica thought it was acceptable.

Doc pages do not presently appear in iOS/Android, but spot checked nothing seemed amiss.

PR Checklist

Code reviewer validation:


Changes do not warrant a new version per the versioning guidelines as they are purely Storybook/documentation.