department-of-veterans-affairs / va-mobile-library
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DS - Design Tokens - Typography #79

Open kellylein opened 5 months ago

kellylein commented 5 months ago

Project Status Overview

Project Objective:

Monthly Update for Stakeholders

Month Project Health Progress & Key Accomplishments Issues/Risks/Blockers
Month Year
Month Year .....
Month Year
Month Year
### Status * **Discovery**: Waiting on VADS * **Design**: Not ready * **Implementation**: Not ready ### Discovery - [x] **Design**: Initial discovery on how we could set up typography - [ ] **VADS**: Set up their typography tokens - [ ] **Design & Engineering**: Review VADS typography tokens and determine what we can reference from them ### Design - [ ] **Design**: Create typography tokens - [ ] **Design**: Look at how they're applied in components (revisit Link component (large/small)) ### Implementation - [ ] **Engineering**: Build typography tokens - [ ] **Engineering**: Swap out the tokens in our components - [ ] **Design**: Swap out the tokens in Figma
kellylein commented 4 months ago

SWAG Estimates: UX - 2 sprints FE - 2 sprint

kellylein commented 1 month ago

SWAG Estimates Q2: UX - 2 FE - not in Q2