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FE: Document the process to expose Q&A on new content type, once added in CMS #10937

Closed jilladams closed 1 year ago

jilladams commented 1 year ago


User Story

AS A PW engineer I WANT to document the steps for adding reusable Q&As to FE templates SO THAT we can repeat the process efficiently and reliably for multiple content types / pages.

Eng notes

We've done this before for Resources & Support Detail pages, we can use that as a reference. Epic:

Acceptance Criteria

jilladams commented 1 year ago

FE spike / docs/ templating note from talking to @jtmst today, and from BE refinement (@dsasser and @chri5tia ):

FYI @wesrowe .

jilladams commented 1 year ago

Since this won't be a repetitive task forever, just until we get through all content types, can be a Github doc rather than an issue template.

We know that DaveC wants products to live at /products long-term, so we know that this doc: needs to move. Let's figure out with him where it should go, move it, and add this runbook in that new location. (@wesrowe ). Added that to ACs.

randimays commented 1 year ago

Since this won't be a repetitive task forever, just until we get through all content types, can be a Github doc rather than an issue template.

We know that DaveC wants products to live at /products long-term, so we know that this doc: needs to move. Let's figure out with him where it should go, move it, and add this runbook in that new location. (@wesrowe ). Added that to ACs.

@jilladams @wesrowe did we get any clarification for this?

jilladams commented 1 year ago

not a final answer, but a next step:

This problem isn't just for Q&A's but for the whole public websites product portfolio. Jen Lee organized it by team, which it should never have been. Fundamentally, I think I want to consolidate all of this into "Resources and Support/Learning Center" but even that, as a name, doesn't work - I'd like to talk this through with the content team about what we should actually call it. the concept of "tier 2" was a Jen Lee thing that confused things. There's really no such thing as a "CMS product" other than the CMS itself. There are, however, products that currently use Drupal for content.

So: waiting on DaveC for final destination.

randimays commented 1 year ago

Not sure where to put this yet, so sticking the documentation here for now. A couple of caveats:

Exposing Q&A on New Content Types

Pre-Existing Setup

  1. src/site/paragraphs/q_a_group.drupal.liquid This template consumes the Drupal entity data for a single Q&A on the content type and uses the src/site/paragraphs/rich_text_char_limit_1000.drupal.liquid template to display the contents of the Q&A answer.

  2. src/site/stages/build/drupal/graphql/paragraph-fragments/qaGroup.paragraph.graphql.js: This GraphQL query has been modified to consume the new data structure for a Q&A answer coming from Drupal. We received the query snippet (contained within fieldAnswer, ending before targetId, lines 16-24) from a Drupal developer to facilitate connecting the data from Drupal.

Implementing a New Content Type

The two files referenced under Pre-Existing Setup are used to fetch the Drupal data for Q&As of the type q_a_group and render the Q&A answers. The steps below demonstrate how to optionally render a fieldSectionHeader if it exists, then loop through the Q&As, display the question, then create the template name for displaying the Q&A answer.

For reference, see src/site/layouts/support_resources_detail_page.drupal.liquid. You will need to add the steps below into the appropriate template for your content type / page.

Under the <!-- QAs --> comment, there is logic that loops through the content blocks coming from Drupal.

  1. Determine if the entityBundle on that content block is q_a_group.
{% if contentBlock.entity.entityBundle === "q_a_group"  %}
  1. If so, assign a variable to represent the Q&A entities:
{% assign fieldQAs = contentBlock.entity.queryFieldQAs.entities %}
  1. Conditionally render the fieldSectionHeader as an <h2> if it exists.
<!-- Optional section header -->
    {% if contentBlock.entity.fieldSectionHeader %}
        <h2>{{ contentBlock.entity.fieldSectionHeader }}</h2>
    {% endif %}
  1. a. If the fieldSectionHeader does exist, render the Q&A question as an <h3> b. If the fieldSectionHeader does not exist, render the Q&A question as an <h2>.

    {% assign fieldSectionHeaderTag = 'h2' %}
    {% if contentBlock.entity.fieldSectionHeader %}
    {% assign fieldSectionHeaderTag = 'h3' %}
    {% endif %}
  2. Loop through the Q&As a. Use the fieldAnswer.entity.entityBundle to create the name for the template that will be used to render Q&A answers. i.e. src/site/paragraphs/q_a_group.drupal.liquid. b. Add in the template via include, passing in the fieldAnswer.entity.

{% for fieldQA in fieldQAs %}
    <{{ fieldSectionHeaderTag }}>{{ fieldQA.entityLabel }}</{{ fieldSectionHeaderTag }}>
    {% if fieldQA.fieldAnswer %}
        {% assign fieldAnswer = fieldQA.fieldAnswer %}
        {% assign bundleComponent = "src/site/paragraphs/" | append: fieldAnswer.entity.entityBundle %}
        {% assign bundleComponentWithExtension = bundleComponent | append: ".drupal.liquid" %}
         {% include {{ bundleComponentWithExtension }} with entity = fieldAnswer.entity %}
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
jilladams commented 1 year ago

Dave decision for now out of Product Sync:

SO: @randimays for the purposes of this ticket today, let's let it ride through this sprint to see if we get an answer re: those questions. And if we don't get that resolved by this time next week, go ahead and create a new README at, and we'll move that when we move the product brief.

randimays commented 1 year ago

@jilladams Thank you! I'll standby.

wesrowe commented 1 year ago

@randimays, Dave confirmed in mid-sprint checkin: post the docs in the current location and we'll move it later when the right place emerges.

randimays commented 1 year ago

Final docs live here: As I understand, @chri5tia will be contributing to these when the BE portion is done.