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Propose VBA terms for Service Taxonomy (new and existing) #11266

Closed davidmpickett closed 1 year ago

davidmpickett commented 1 year ago


Initial rough draft with Dave P.

There are 3 sources of information that these terms can come from:

  1. current services in the VA taxonomy that apply to VBA (Ex. VR&E vocational ...)
  2. current VBA service dropdown in facility locator (~16 things, existing data around how Veterans interact with that group of things, powered by Sandys DB)
  3. The public contact research (includes list of every service, task, and document that was referenced in those conversations about what Veterans do when they are at RO, info about frequency included as well)

Fields to consider

Acceptance Criteria

CMS Team

Please check the team(s) that will do this work.

kmariepat-cityfriends commented 1 year ago

for additional cards:

davidmpickett commented 1 year ago

FYI - here's where I had been starting to work on this during my research synthesis VBA Services-Grid view.csv

kmariepat-cityfriends commented 1 year ago

Potential stakeholder process for this includes review with Sitewide Content/IA; @kmariepat-cityfriends to create intake ticket

kmariepat-cityfriends commented 1 year ago

This card will span multiple sprints and is blocker to design and UX research

kmariepat-cityfriends commented 1 year ago

@mmiddaugh can support to push parts of this forward

davidmpickett commented 1 year ago

Notes from Jordan/Cindy meeting

cindymerrill commented 1 year ago

@davidmpickett As promised, here's my research report on Veteran Top Tasks and the most relevant summary from it: image

mmiddaugh commented 1 year ago

@davidmpickett I'm looking at the Airtable notes for "Applying for benefits" (an existing VBA "service" on the FLocator), I think this is actually a task which is relevant to most services, rather than its own service. This is also supported by Cindy's top task research, as above. (i.e., applying for VA health or applying for education benefits)

davidmpickett commented 1 year ago

Transcribing my notes from Monday meeting with @davidconlon @mmiddaugh

davidmpickett commented 1 year ago

@mmiddaugh One area I would appreciate your brain on. The venn diagram of education / training / careers is very confusing, and if you have any historical perspective on how Veterans understand (or don't) the distinctions that would be amazing

davidmpickett commented 1 year ago

@mmiddaugh new export from the Airtable.

mmiddaugh commented 1 year ago

Our Vet Center taxonomy research included some insights about education and training, which you may have already seen. Caveat: this was related to non-therapeutic services, leading to the "Workshops and classes" taxon currently in use - which is different than the formal benefits and programs we're currently pondering. You may have already found this in your wandering but just in case:

I'll check with a few contacts and see what else I can learn.

mmiddaugh commented 1 year ago

@davidmpickett You may already be aware of the following but in case any of this is new info...

Neither really addresses your question about Veteran understanding but I am also chasing down a possible source for insight.

mmiddaugh commented 1 year ago

@davidmpickett Thank you for all the thoughtful and mind-bending effort you've already put into this Taxonomy - I like where things are headed.

Things I'm wondering...(possibly for a future brainstorm/chat next week?)

If you haven't already stumbled across it, this VA content brief for VA payments, debts, and copay bills might be helpful related to Veteran mental models on financial topics.

davidmpickett commented 1 year ago

@mmiddaugh @kmariepat-cityfriends - interesting development for Home Loans that warrants follow up with Office of Strategic Engagement. Sometime between Feb 20 and March 6 all the specific information for regional loan centers was removed from Teamsite:

davidmpickett commented 1 year ago
cindymerrill commented 1 year ago

@davidmpickett Will the terms that you want to explore in Veteran research be included in the prototype for usability testing? Let's talk about what you want to learn. Looks like that would be about the following terms from your Excel export:

davidmpickett commented 1 year ago

New source of truth is in sharepoint: