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Facility Locator iteration #11542

Open dsinla opened 1 year ago

dsinla commented 1 year ago

The work described below is big picture and represents the larger context for multiple epics, including


In a 3/7/23 meeting with Dave Conlon we went over updates that we would like to make to facility locator. The user stories for those requested updates are below Meeting recording here:

Driving motivations for this epic are:

  1. Improvements to search & filtering in order to display a higher volume of Services (up to 10x)
  2. State level display of all facilities within the state (primarily for NCA stakeholder purposes)
  3. PPMS Provider Core Training: nice to have, no longer expected as part of the MVP due to the low adoption rate of these trainings (1-2% of all providers)



The facility locator update is overall focused on improving the filtering capabilities and search results. The migration to lighthouse v1 will allow for more data to be surfaced to Veterans and we want to ensure this data can be viewed in an accessible and intuitive manner.

Problem Statement

With the migration to lighthouse v1, there will be new data that is not optimized for display in the current implementation of the facility locator. Additionally, many of the filtering capabilities

Updated Filtering

  1. As a Veteran, I want to have more filtering capabilities, in part made possible by the facilities v1 migration
  2. As a Veteran, I want to have a filtering experience for Service type that is usable and consistent whether I am selecting from 5 items or 800

Implementation Notes: The v1 migration and current experience overall creates multiple cases we need to plan for:

Other ??? (unknown, but a pattern that will allow us to scale) Urgent care, emergency, and pharmacy that show the "mashups" of 3 (all, VA-only, Comm-care only) Benefits with TBD number

User stories

VA Facility by State

  1. As a Veteran, I want to be able to know what VA facilities are in a given state
  2. As a Veteran, I want to be able to know what VA facilities of a certain type are in a given state (e.g. Medical, Vet Center, Benefits, Cemetery)

User stories

Provider Core Training

Design handled in this epic. implementation moved to #14225 . All of the following user stories in this group are related to using facility locator to search for community providers in VA's network the other facility types are not in the MVP scope for this effort.

  1. As a Veteran, I want to see what Providers have completed Provider Core Training
  2. As a Veteran, I want to learn about Provider Core Training and what it means
  3. As a Veteran, I want to filter my search in the Facility Locator to return only providers who have received the Provider Core Training

Implementation Notes:

For background, here is a blurb on Provider Core Training: Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has created the Provider Core Training so that Veterans can be offered care from the highest quality providers available. Referring Veterans to Providers who have completed the Provider Core Training ensures that Veterans are receiving high-quality care in the community.

User Stories

Q3 2023

Paused on usability work until post VBA Editor Research

dsinla commented 1 year ago

We've often spoken of a Service Locator vs a Facility Locator - to what extent do we incorporate a refocusing in this ticket?

jilladams commented 1 year ago

Documenting from sync with @davidconlon @mmiddaugh @kmariepat-cityfriends:

Decision: Dave & Michelle do not want to consider phased roll out, as the tech debt / effort are not warranted for this iteration. We will hard cutover when it's time.

Other topics:

  1. v0 vs. v1: we do want to feature flag behavior between V0 and V1. As protection in the event that V1 API goes left.
  2. Feature flag for the front-end design changes (both designs living in parallel): Not clear if we need this. Usability testing may inform. Open questions:
    • Can the front end still function with v0 as the data source?
    • Is the only change the number of services increasing?

We'll follow up on those elsewhere.

kmariepat-cityfriends commented 1 year ago

Notes about development involvement ahead of completing usability: From a prior retro:

jilladams commented 1 year ago

Some implementation nuances came up in 6/29 design review, documenting here for ref when we get to build ( with Michelle, Kamari, Swirt, Ryan, Jordan, Alexis, LauraF, Christian, and RyanT / Amanda Klausmeier):

Regarding how string search will work:

Meaning: we are using the content of the taxonomy to drive search results here. We are not expanding scope to build a larger web of term relationships, to supplement search results.

Additional design notes are here: