Open swirtSJW opened 1 year ago
@swirtSJW How often does this happen? Do we have an idea of how often they update the name?
And will/could this potentially be resolved with any of the VBA work, or is this more specific to FL?
ie I'm trying to understand the severity of the issue.
When you have a section intrinsically linked to a page title, there should be a runbook to update the section title, there is a redirect involved. There may be technology implementations as well
Do the updates to the VBA facility name change runbook make this closeable?
This was covered yesterday in refinement: This issue is not related to #13272. It is a current defect that needs to be resolved regardless of editors. This should be handled automatically not by a runbook.
To Josh's earlier question of How often does it happen. I am not sure. We have not been tracking VBAs that long. Mainly going by pattern with VAMCs and Vet Centers that seem to get renamed more often than we thought they should.
There is also the potential that when a Regional office changes name, it will create a new section since it can not find an existing one that matches its own name. This can be even more problematic than having them misnamed, because now its children will be assigned to the old section.
Likely at risk for sprint boundary. (@kmariepat-cityfriends )
From mid-sprint:
No concerns from POs re: sprint boundary.
not concerned about missing sprint boundary.
Related tickets that may need to be updated based on implementation of this ticket (or vice versa)
@mmiddaugh and I are meeting with CAIA on 10/11 to talk about VBA facilities naming schema. May make sense to hold this ticket until after that in case there are any decisions that could impact this. See:
Prescott Vet Center might be the right Vet Center to look at to understand some of the risks/possibilities here. Looks like the Vet Center is now split across 2 different Sections:
Marking this as blocked by the Short Name proposal, because if there are multiple names for a VBA facility then this ticket would be dependent on which name is being used to created the Section
Jan. 4 UX sync, this is blocked on a spike to determine path forward for VBA offices "at" other locations
Moving to National Rollout as it is blocked by a ticket that is postponed till national roll out
Not sure if this is new information, or just a different lens on to the same issue, but using the Facilities audit I found a bunch of "orphaned" VBA facilities that don't have a "Parent system or facility" listed and aren't Regional Offices
Uncovered an issue while working on the Vet Center name change:
Not sure if this is new information, or just a different lens on to the same issue, but using the Facilities audit I found a bunch of "orphaned" VBA facilities that don't have a "Parent system or facility" listed and aren't Regional Offices
@mmiddaugh Can you confirm that these have parent system/facility in Sandy's DB?
When a VBA facility name change comes in via migration from the facility API, The name on the node changes, but if it is a Regional Office, the corresponding section name does not update, so the two become out of sync.
This is also an issue for Vet Centers see #15583
Known Drift
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Likely this should be handled by node update event so that you'd have access to the original and new values, so that the correct section term can be loaded and updated.
Noodling on how to do this
If flagging VBA Regional office
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