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VISN website Content Analysis #12654

Open Dottisea opened 1 year ago

Dottisea commented 1 year ago

As a researcher I want to understand the current content on VISN websites available to Veterans, so that I can test with veterans where (on what site) they would expect to find that content. AC: -[ ] content available on VSM websites is examined and a list of content types is defined.

cindymerrill commented 1 year ago

Started content analysis on one VISN web page ( Emailed Justin Warren in VHA Digital Media for help and heard back from him; he'll get in touch to meet after he's pulled together some information for me.

cindymerrill commented 1 year ago

Justin shared a spreadsheet of information about VISN content with me and scheduled a meeting for Monday Feb 27.

cindymerrill commented 1 year ago

@Dottisea @jilladams I met with Justin Warren today from VHA Digital Media about the VISN user research project. We met 1:1 (because the other two people he invited as optional didn’t show up), and we didn't discuss specific types of VISN content for my user research. I spent much of the time explaining what I’m doing and what my questions are. Justin seemed on board with what I’m planning (including Dave’s hypothesis that the VISN pages probably aren’t needed), but wasn’t sure what the VISN teams think is most important about their websites. I told him that I’m trying to anticipate objections to my research results such as “You didn’t ask Veterans about my content ABC, which is unique” and prepare to ask about a range of content in my research. Justin is going to talk with his team tomorrow and then get back to me.

Also, this is a heads up that my content analysis ticket won’t be completed by tomorrow--the end of the sprint.

cindymerrill commented 1 year ago

Justin was interested in my offer to look up some analytics data on the existing VISN pages, which I won't be able to do until next sprint.

cindymerrill commented 1 year ago

After the meeting, I sent a followup email that included the following...

I look forward to hearing back from you after you talk with your team about what types of content on VISN pages would be best to ask Veterans about, especially what the VISNs care most about on their pages. During our meeting, I heard you say that it was important to include the following content types:

  • locations of nearby medical centers
  • leadership of the VISN--who's in charge

Here's a link to the document I shared with you with my initial list of content types, to which I added my tally of the number of VISNs that have each of the Common Pages you listed in your spreadsheet: Content Analysis of VISN pages.docx.

cindymerrill commented 1 year ago

From working with Justin Warren and his feedback from VISN Public Affairs Officers, here's a draft list of topics we might could ask Veterans about:

I told him that this research has been deprioritized for me and that I'll get back in touch with him when I'm ready to resume working on it. FYI @Dottisea @jilladams