Closed wesrowe closed 1 year ago
I just updated the ACs to reflect revisions and workflow.
@swirtSJW, we just discussed internally and decided to punt the workflow ACs to a future ticket so that we can leverage Facilities' work on adding the workflow module to taxonomies. Hopefully that makes sense to you.
The VA Benefit API ID can NOT be modified after a Benefit is published
The Services taxonomy has this paradigm in effect already, with permissions management too. @swirtSJW is the person to talk to about how that works, I believe.
Note that I focused the ACs on the fields that we reviewed in yesterday's meeting.
Dumping my concerns about using taxonomy vs. content type for this here. As I find satisfactory answers in conversations past and present, I'll check them off.
Decisions we need to make:
Editors can not go to add > content because taxonomy is part of structure, usually closed off to editors except in rare cases of websites that allow ad-hoc creation of taxonomy terms on the content add form (tagging).
Yes this is true, but this is not for most editors, this is a very select set. Also in most of those cases node content translates to actual pages. Benefits terms would not be FE pages, only ways to connect one thing to another.
Taxonomy does not have workflow draft, publish state, etc
They can, and they will. This is part of the build, not a blocker.
What problem are we trying to solve by using taxonomy instead of a content type? What are the pros and cons stress/time/technical-debt-wise of re-engineering Taxonomy to function as a content type?
Mainly, we are not trying to have it serve as a content type. We are trying to have it make connections to other content types, which is what taxonmy was built to do.
How long has the Service taxonomy been in use on our site and what is the editorial workflow for that at the moment? Who creates the terms, (role), how is the content change-logged, how is it used?
Many years. There is minimal editorial workflow on it currently because Dave C has been the only editor of it.
Both types create their own front-facing pages (front-end of the back end). For example: is the page for the Taxonomy Vocabulary "VA Services" and the term "Adaptive Sports"
We have not instances where current taxonomy is creating a front end page. The page you reference has no front end counterpart. There is no
@swirtSJW These clarifications are helpful. It sounds like I can come to you with any blockers for building or conceptualizing this direction.
@swirtSJW Any thoughts on creating this as a module instead of importing field configs? It might be nice to have the module framework to house any special tweaks and hooks, or other features down the road relating to benefits. I don't see any pattern currently used to manage content types and field configs with a custom module, so maybe there's a good reason for that.
I like the idea of being able to look at or write a yaml for field configs for something like this.
4/3 checkpoint notes:
Pertaining to fields not yet reviewed/approved (after line 17 in spec):
Still open as of 4/5 checkpoint:
Things for next check-in, to do, etc.:
[x] Failing automated tests
[x] Need VA Benefit description (see screenshot)
[x] Select list or autocomplete? Recommend autocomplete for: related legislation, pre-requisite benefits, co-considered benefits, and anything else that has a selection list of options over 5-12
[x] What should this section be called/look like?
[ ]
4/5 checkpoint notes
Other items discussed on 4/3 progress can be viewed in this comment
Proposed Taxonomy description to show on the Taxonomy admin page:
Single source of truth for VA Benefits including official names, related legislation, related / pre-requisite benefits, application / eligibility notes, and related VA Forms.
This gets saved in code and cannot actually be modified in the Drupal UI (though it makes you think it can). So edits should be made prior to PR merge if at all possible.
Pushed API lockdown code and custom va_gov_benefits module code. Also config changes as of the 3/5 checkpoint and most of the changes from the approval meeting today. Going over more finely especially with respect to translation.
Working on re-labeling the "Name" field to "Official Benefit name" and locking it down.
Why can't I add wre as a co considered benefit to clatawrir?
It may either be because I have it preventing circular references, which in this case is probably not a good thing, or a bug with the module I used to generate content. I noticed things with the devel generate being a little weird but I'll double check the entity reference settings.
All that dummy content will get reset when I push some changes. We may each want to go through and create a test item and then go back and link to each other's tests to rule out a quirk with devel.
But most likely, it was due to one of these settings, which I am turning off:
- Logged in as a Content Admin I can't add an Official Benefit name. Per the spec, I should be able to. Maybe that was an intentional change, just noting this discrepancy
Dave C. Mentioned not wanting to allow this name to be changed in favor of archiving and recreating a new term. Let me know your thoughts. I might have gotten lost in translation for the final spec.
Something I missed is enforcing uniqueness for the taxonomy term e.g. Official benefit name. I noticed that we are also able to create more than one VA Service with the same name as well. It may be worth installing this module if we think it's something that would be used in more than one or two places in the site:
If we need to enforce uniqueness we should be using like we do elsewhere in the codebase to identify what property(ies) make something unique and prevent violations of that.
Allow only one is a field that can assess mulitple properties to prevent duplicates
@swirtSJW I was trying to figure out how to apply this to the core taxonomy term name field, which isn't managed in the UI. Any ideas?
Update: I need to prevent the term name from being duplicated. I am not understanding what this service is doing on the VA Services end. You are still able to create duplicate VA Services.
Taxonomy Unique module does this:
I don't want to add another module if we don't need it so is it possible to use the existing pattern in this way?
Close out notes:
Added field group headers to the spec
Phase 1 4/7 check point items:
Other fields signed off.
Create tickets for these extracted technical pieces:
(Jill edited this comment 4/11, 1:40pm)
@chri5tia is "Change label and help text of Taxonomy name property (Official benefit name)" still an open item? I thought I saw during demo that that was handled.
Otherwise, @wesrowe FYI - open items here we need sign off from you that we are ok to ticket those pieces separately and close this out.
That is done. If we don't already have a ticket for it, we don't need to. I'll rearrange my notes. There may be a better way to do it, and don't want to lose sight of that, but I can just put a note in the phase 4 ticket to revisit it on a code level as part of a fine review.
In hind-sight, this was an 8 or 13 because it was more than laying the tracks.
Meets ACs for Ph 1. Closing.
@swirtSJW I was trying to figure out how to apply this to the core taxonomy term name field, which isn't managed in the UI. Any ideas?
Update: I need to prevent the term name from being duplicated. I am not understanding what this service is doing on the VA Services end. You are still able to create duplicate VA Services.
I don't want to add another module if we don't need it so is it possible to use the existing pattern in this way?
This should be covered by
I am pretty sure there is logic in that to handle name vs title even if the UI does not make that clear. If not it would be an easy patch.
User story
AS A PW developer I WANT to stand up the basic implementation SO THAT I and team members can check for surprises in a review instance.
Engineering notes / background
Source of truth for what should be implemented is the VA Benefit Taxonomy spec (Google sheet; please request an Excel copy if you need one.)
Analytics considerations
Quality / testing notes
No QA, this is a rough pass.
Acceptance criteria
The ACs below apply
only to rows 4-17to all rows of the spec spreadsheet (the ones finalized in the meetings on 3/29 and 4/6)Taxonomy terms implements existing editorial workflow similar to node content (draft, in review, approved, published, archived)moved this AC to Taxonomy workflow ticketTaxonomy term editing requires revision log message entry in order to save. (similar to node content)4/6: this AC is also part of the Taxonomy workflow ticketNOT in scope:
Please check the team(s) that will do this work.
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