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Spec banner content type for VBA #13811

Closed davidmpickett closed 9 months ago

davidmpickett commented 1 year ago


Use the existing banner pattern with recent updates from VAMCs as a starting point. No situation updates. Review for any nuances of Regional Offices that might require special treatment.

Eng note: We do have a 'banner' content type that we should consider leveraging for this if at all possible.

Sharepoint specs

Acceptance Criteria

jilladams commented 11 months ago

From UX refinement:

swirtSJW commented 11 months ago

We do have a 'banner' content type that we should consider leveraging for this if at all possible.

davidmpickett commented 10 months ago

Added new tab for banner to VBA Content Specs in Sharepoint

davidmpickett commented 10 months ago

Option 1 = Use existing Full Width Alert (machine name = banner)

Option 2 = Create new VBA Banner Alert content type

Option 3 = Use existing VAMC Banner Alert with Situation Updates

:edit: added 9/12/23

Option 4 Banner lives as a pair of fields on the facility. link to comment

Other notes:

Body vs field_body

davidmpickett commented 10 months ago

Attaching a moment in time snapshot of the Spec document for those unable to get on Sharepoint VBA.Drupal.Content.Specs.xlsx

swirtSJW commented 10 months ago

@davidmpickett I added some pros and cons to your options so it is easier to see them all in one place.

swirtSJW commented 10 months ago


davidmpickett commented 10 months ago

Meeting recording where review happened: Passcode: 2EzB*^UG

davidmpickett commented 10 months ago

@xiongjaneg @mmiddaugh For end of Sprint 90 clarity, there will need to be more conversation & decisioning on the path forward before implementation would be unblocked.

Not sure how you want to handle tracking that (leaving this ticket open / having a new ticket / updating the implementation ticket ).

xiongjaneg commented 10 months ago

@davidmpickett I think you mentioned this potentially impacting both Public Websites and CMS teams. Is that correct? If so, I can bring it to our next three-person PM sync.

mmiddaugh commented 10 months ago

@swirtSJW @davidmpickett Given that the existing VAMC banner has specific behaviors/features designed for VAMC use (such as the connection to the System Operating Status page, situation updates, and Govdelivery integration)...

davidmpickett commented 10 months ago

@swirtSJW @davidmpickett Given that the existing VAMC banner has specific behaviors/features designed for VAMC use (such as the connection to the System Operating Status page, situation updates, and Govdelivery integration)...

  • Is it possible to update it to make it compatible with other facility types?
  • If so, what would be the pros/cons?

I added an option 3 to the comment above to house this information

davidmpickett commented 10 months ago

@davidmpickett I think you mentioned this potentially impacting both Public Websites and CMS teams. Is that correct? If so, I can bring it to our next three-person PM sync.

Option 1 would require coordination with Public Websites, but not options 2 & 3. The CMS team will need to review the proposed implementation via their Collab Cylce regardless of which option we choose.

jilladams commented 10 months ago Next step: Jane to review options with Mike / Wes.

xiongjaneg commented 10 months ago

@davidmpickett RE Option 1, Wes' opinion is that the cons of coordination outweigh the pros. I'll run the other options by Mike for CMS input.

xiongjaneg commented 10 months ago

@productmike Two options for VBA banner for your feedback per my Slack

Option 2 = Create new VBA Banner Alert content type Pro: Can be made to match specific needs of VBA product without consulting Public Websites Con: Introduces a 4th banner content type to the Drupal ecosystem Will require a new build step similar to VAMC banner step which can significantly slow down the content-build Yet another thing to cutover when moved to AP If we do the checkbox option for targeting,

Option 3 = Use existing VAMC Banner Alert with Situation Updates Pro: Any improvements would benefit VBA banners and VAMC banners Con: VAMC banners have several elements that are VAMC-specific, how do we preserve those while broadening the use to VBA? VAMC -specific components: connection to the System Operating Status page, situation updates, and Govdelivery integration

swirtSJW commented 10 months ago

Option 3 is a lot to override unless VBAs want to also use govDelivery for the possibility of sending mass emails to subscribers.

xiongjaneg commented 10 months ago

From Mike: Difficult to balance the business need, LOE and risks of each reading through the comments, but I would say generally speaking I'd veer away from any additional dependencies on the content-build process at this point. Kinda like building a sandcastle near the water line. Ultimately, if the other options come close to delivering the same value as option #2, I'd pick those purely from a stability perspective.

mmiddaugh commented 10 months ago

FYI @xiongjaneg @davidmpickett I will be back with a decision a meeting late next week with a group of VA POs (to get higher level context and visibility)

xiongjaneg commented 10 months ago

Idea: What if we use the existing VAMC status block and render it visually as a banner for MVP? Assumptions: not using GovDelivery, flat structure, would elevate prominence and visibility, add a call to action if needed (e.g., message exceeds length). This might also be leveraged to be used for both a status and a banner, e.g., COVID default text plus status

Rendered on the front end as a banner visually but not as a separate field. Post-MVP would be a separate field type.

Does this create an inconsistency in banners as a user experience? This difference in experiences by product might need content review.

Would this only have to appear on a facility's page? After MVP, what are the other pages going to be? Will this banner need to display on subpages later? This is a consideration, especially regarding being content on the Facility content itself. E.g., if the next page is Events, a banner might not be important to show on the Events page. This is not necessarily a blocker, just might require more work if the decision is to show the banner on subpages.

Is there a need for a higher level of hierarchy for push to multiple facilities? Not currently. Instead, full-width alert could be leveraged for that example.

xiongjaneg commented 10 months ago

Facility operating status is included in MVP. Is a banner a part of MVP? Yes, especially if it's for emergencies and we're not building something new.

xiongjaneg commented 10 months ago

@xiongjaneg to add this new information for option 4 (having the fields live on the Facility content type) in this ticket and add to subsequent Drupal ticket.

swirtSJW commented 9 months ago

Option 4 Banner lives as a pair of fields on the facility.

A simple option exists where we could have a facility have a pair of fields (field_banner_title and field_banner_content) that could drive the banner for that facility.



xiongjaneg commented 9 months ago

@mmiddaugh Will add to our 1:1 meeting

xiongjaneg commented 9 months ago

Closing as options will be discussed by PO/PM today

xiongjaneg commented 9 months ago

For option 4, do we have to create new fields? Can we leverage existing fields (like those used in operating status)?

xiongjaneg commented 9 months ago

@swirtSJW For option 4, you seem to reference two new fields. In a prior meeting, we talked about leveraging existing fields, like operating status. Are there pros/cons to new fields versus existing fields?

mmiddaugh commented 9 months ago

My understanding of option 4 was that we could reference the existing operating status+ operating status - more info fields and simply render the content visually as a banner component, consistent with the style guide. This would allow us to implement quickly using existing fields and return later to the bigger conversation about banners/alerts.

Screenshot [Private Zenhub Image](
davidmpickett commented 9 months ago

My understanding of option 4 was that we could reference the existing operating status+ operating status - more info fields and simply render the content visually as a banner component, consistent with the style guide. This would allow us to implement quickly using existing fields and return later to the bigger conversation about banners/alerts.


While this might seem like a quick fix, I believe it would actually create more complexity. These components have different options from a FE perspective (e.g. banners can be dismissable, whereas operating status isnt) and we'd have to wire up additional logic that would later be removed. Keeping these as separate fieldsets on in the CMS allows FE to use existing templates because all the info is the structured the same as it is elsewhere on the site.

Additionally from a content perspective these two feature shave subtlety different use cases and implications for the larger product landscape (facility locator, Lighthouse, etc) that would need to be considered if they were tied together here.

That said, option 4 is a great idea overall. For all the reasons @swirtSJW outlined.

swirtSJW commented 9 months ago

@swirtSJW For option 4, you seem to reference two new fields. In a prior meeting, we talked about leveraging existing fields, like operating status. Are there pros/cons to new fields versus existing fields?

I don't think we should leverage existing fields. The intent is different and the functionality would appear more like magic than something intentional and understandable. (when systems become less transparent to editors, they become harder to understand)

I did initially propose that we could use the supplemental status as a possibility, but backed away from that idea after pondering it a bit more.

swirtSJW commented 9 months ago

@mmiddaugh Dave Pickett answered this ^^ well. Sorry in my initial processing of this on the call the other day, I suggested supplemental status as an a possible solution. But after pondering it a bit more, I backed away from that idea. See my answer to Jane above ^^

xiongjaneg commented 9 months ago

Revisit the two field names @swirtSJW suggested above

Also consider dismissibility

xiongjaneg commented 9 months ago

@mmiddaugh Please see Steve's answer to your question above.

Do we have enough info to move ahead with Option 4? If so, that will unblock #14700 for next sprint.