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Facility Locator iteration: Provider core training / PPMS data #14225

Open jilladams opened 1 year ago

jilladams commented 1 year ago


Provider Core Training

Design was handled during #11542 . Figma file:

All of the following user stories in this group are related to using facility locator to search for community providers in VA's network the other facility types are not in the MVP scope for this effort.

  1. As a Veteran, I want to see what Providers have completed Provider Core Training
  2. As a Veteran, I want to learn about Provider Core Training and what it means
  3. As a Veteran, I want to filter my search in the Facility Locator to return only providers who have received the Provider Core Training

Implementation Notes:

For background, here is a blurb on Provider Core Training: Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has created the Provider Core Training so that Veterans can be offered care from the highest quality providers available. Referring Veterans to Providers who have completed the Provider Core Training ensures that Veterans are receiving high-quality care in the community.

User Stories

Affected users and stakeholders


A hypothesis may depend on a spike ticket to be completed.

We believe that _thissolution will achieve _thisoutcome. We'll know that to be true when this measurable outcome occurs.


(How will these assumptions be validated?)

Acceptance Criteria

Change management triage

The change represented by this user story will:

If you selected an item above, use the Change Management Runbook to create a CM epic and associated tickets.

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Design principles




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mmiddaugh commented 9 months ago

per Keri Kinyon, as of 9/27/2023 barely .02% of total providers in PPMS (estimating current providers at around 1.3M) have completed training – specific to the 8 courses they are tracking for this program.