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[CONSIDER] Iterate on Service Options / Modalities MVP #14684

Open davidmpickett opened 11 months ago

davidmpickett commented 11 months ago

User Stories

AS A Veteran, service member or caregiver I NEED to understand my options for receiving a particular service SO THAT I can choose the option that works best for me

AS AN editor of Facilities and Services in the Drupal CMS I NEED to have options in Drupal that match the reality of how my service is offered SO THAT I can ensure that Veterans are receiving accurate information


The Service Options / Service Modalities MVP was developed as part of the VBA Regional Office Pilot MVP and rolled out to VAMCs as part of VBA/VAMC Service Location Enhancements

The MVP accounts for two service options/modalities, each with multiple possible settings.

Office Visits

Veterans travel to a physical location to receive services

Drupal selection FE Display
Office visits - NULL [No display]
Office visits - No [No display]
Office visits - Yes, by appointment only 🏢 Visit our office, by appointment only
Office visits - Yes, walk-in visits only 🏢 Visit our office, walk-in visits only
Office visits - Yes, with or without an appointment 🏢 Visit our office, with or without an appointment

Virtual Support

Drupal selection FE Display
Virtual support - NULL [No display]
Virtual support - No [No display]
Virtual support - Yes, by appointment only 🗓️ Virtual visits by appointment only
Virtual support - Yes, Veterans can call at their convenience 📞 Call at your convenience
Virtual support - Virtual visits may be available 🗓️ Virtual visits may be available

Other modalities to consider adding / hardening in future iteration

Other considerations

Use case

VAMC editor suggestion (Jira VAHELP-6522): "Another recommendation to improve the health services page Health Services | VA Greater Los Angeles Health Care | Veterans Affairs, is if we could edit “Available at these locations” or categorize the locations listed as “Available at these locations” so we can specify what kind of services are available such as in-person or in-person treatment, virtual, phone-based (like a hotline or someone available for questions) and telehealth services. I’ve had clinicians say the general “Available at these locations” can be a bit misleading, if there is no physical footprint there." Thank you again for your time and assistance and all you do for our Veterans.
Warmly, Lauren Bolanos VA Greater Los Angeles

mmiddaugh commented 2 months ago

@davidmpickett thank you for this excellent description of the current state and inclusion of considerations for future application.

An interesting Venn diagram is evolving for services available at alternative (non-VA) locations. We can leverage our experience with Vet Center Community Access Points (CAPs), created and maintained by field editors, to design an approach for other non-VAST locations.

How might we create a model for a single community-based location delivering services for multiple business lines? A location may expand service offerings once a relationship/MOU with the VA is available. (i.e., there may already be overlap in the Vet Center CAPs and VBA VSOCs found on college/university campuses)

How might we make it efficient for field staff to associate services with a location which may not be available long-term?