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Add downtime alert for MHV to Healthcare Widgets #14738

Open wesrowe opened 10 months ago

wesrowe commented 10 months ago


User story

AS A Veteran I WANT a downtime alert in all Cerner widgets if MHV (MyHealtheVet) is down SO THAT I don't click through without warning and have a bad experience.

Engineering notes / background

Analytics considerations

Quality / testing notes

Unknowns to refine:

Other inputs:

Acceptance criteria


  • Design / Accessibility reviews
  • Collab cycle requirements
  • Device sizes (mobile first)
  • Documentation updates / Change management < - Content model documentation
  • Testing notes
wesrowe commented 10 months ago

This seems blocked on

  1. determining ownership of widgets – Appts team owns theirs now, and 2 teams have spun up (per ToT) to move MHV Secure Msg and Medical Records onto That would leave only 2 widgets in PW portfolio.
wesrowe commented 10 months ago

@davidconlon, we could get this MHV downtime alert moving toward refinement once we figure out the code ownership question.

FranECross commented 7 months ago

Fran to follow up with Dave on whether we still own these widgets.

FranECross commented 7 months ago

[11/20/23] @jilladams Dave has confirmed we should transfer to the team who now owns this feature.