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Update Facility Locator results mobile map for location number, name, distance, and TTY #15304

Open xiongjaneg opened 9 months ago

xiongjaneg commented 9 months ago

User Story or Problem Statement

As a Veteran, I want to find VA locations that are closest to me.

Final designs

Mobile map in the Figma file

Description or Additional Context

Facility Locator should be updated so that each result displays a number, facility name, distance from the search location, and facility information

Facility Locator results will be updated for more accessible results.

  1. Add the segmented button group from USWDS.
  2. Make the numbers on the map interactive.
  3. Directions link should open in a new tab.
  4. For the location that's selected, the information should appear underneath that map.
  5. TTY links are displayed for users who are D/deaf or hard of hearing per recommendations in ticket



Private Zenhub Image

Acceptance Criteria


Please check the team(s) that will do this work.

xiongjaneg commented 9 months ago

Assumption: There's likely not to be much different functionality from desktop to mobile.

The filter layout may be different on mobile than desktop, so that could be a consideration.

mmiddaugh commented 9 months ago

@xiongjaneg we will want to ensure the new functionality is wired for analytics - is this covered by components or do we need to add relevant tasks/AC to this issue?

xiongjaneg commented 9 months ago

@maxx1128 @eselkin ^ See Michelle's message about analytics above (and in related tickets). What's the best way to make sure we're capturing analytics functionality? ACs? Tasks?

maxx1128 commented 9 months ago

@xiongjaneg @mmiddaugh I would add additional AC to this ticket.

xiongjaneg commented 9 months ago

Michelle's question: If locations are close and the markers overlaid each other, what happens if you click on those layered markers?

Laura: Unlike desktop, mobile markers aren't currently interactive. This ticket adds that interactive functionality. We only want one item to show if clicked on.

What are the options when the Veteran is zoomed out in the map and there are a bunch of markers all close together?

xiongjaneg commented 9 months ago

Laura can't test mobile. How can accessibility be reviewed?

xiongjaneg commented 9 months ago

Facility Locator is in collab cycle and will need a staging review. What should all be included in the staging review? All or separate?

davidmpickett commented 8 months ago

Marking this as blocked by usability testing