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Expand CMS Feature Flag functionality to enable incremental feature launches to CMS Editors #15728

Open jilladams opened 10 months ago

jilladams commented 10 months ago

User Story or Problem Statement

AS A Product owner I WANT the ability to launch CMS features to a % of Editors or a short list of Editors before launching to 100% SO THAT I can verify the utility of a feature & its use before launching to everyone.


What CMS can do today: CMS contains feature toggles, off or on by default. (docs)

How can incremental releases work today: We can, we believe, write custom code to hook into the toggle and enable the feature for a set of users or a specific role.

Bigger picture Considerations / Concerns:

FE considerations

GraphQL data structure for existing fields can be affected by changes, e.g. from a single value to a multivalue field. The Events checkbox rollback was an example of this sort of change taking place in conjunction with something behind a feature flag, where we didn't realize the potential for FE impact due to the field structure / db change.

Acceptance Criteria

jilladams commented 10 months ago

@davidconlon re: the conversation around more CMS incremental launches, I think we need to do some legwork with the CMS team around this concept. In order to open a CMS Collab Cycle Request, we need a product outline first. I'm queueing this up for our next product sync to discuss, just planting the seed here, and we can discuss with Fran what makes sense re: how to move this idea forward or if now is the right time.