AS AN Authenticated user, when I log into
I WANT to see meaningful information or CTA in what is now a blank space to the right of 'The PACT Act... information
SO THAT information relevant to my needs is in a prominent place and easily viewable in what is now a blank space
Additional Information
On the home page of, for an UN-authenticated user there is a 'tile' for 'Create account', however when an Authenticated user is logged into the site, that same area is blank. We need to determine what should go in that spot on the Home page for Authenticated users.
When the Home page was launched, a decision was made at that time to wait and determine at a later date what should fill that spot for the Authenticated user.
How will we know we've achieved our goal?
[ ] If a tile of information is placed that a user can click on, or CTA is placed in that spot, success will be measured on Authenticated user engagement on the CTO. TBD actual number to be used for success metrics.
### Issues or tasks to be turned into issues
- [ ] Design Ticket
- [ ] Implementation Ticket
- [ ] Possible A11y ticket
Requirements & Goals
AS AN Authenticated user, when I log into I WANT to see meaningful information or CTA in what is now a blank space to the right of 'The PACT Act... information SO THAT information relevant to my needs is in a prominent place and easily viewable in what is now a blank space
Additional Information
On the home page of, for an UN-authenticated user there is a 'tile' for 'Create account', however when an Authenticated user is logged into the site, that same area is blank. We need to determine what should go in that spot on the Home page for Authenticated users.
When the Home page was launched, a decision was made at that time to wait and determine at a later date what should fill that spot for the Authenticated user.
How will we know we've achieved our goal?
Supporting Screenshots