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Delete hidden VAMC facility service fields (fast follow) #17137

Open swirtSJW opened 7 months ago

swirtSJW commented 7 months ago

User Story or Problem Statement

AFTER the migration has been run on prod and AFTER the FE has switched to using the new Service Location fields
AND has removed the old fields from the GraphQL query, THEN the fields need to have their table cleared and fields removed from config.

Acceptance Criteria

davidmpickett commented 5 months ago

@omahane When you have a chance can you take a look at this ticket for prefining and getting an estimate on this?

davidmpickett commented 4 months ago

Since Service Location Launch won't happen until late S3, this is likely S4 at soonest.

jilladams commented 4 months ago

Moving to Ready in prep for Sprint 4, when we should be able to kill tech debt around SL.