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[Components] Future: V1 components without V3 equivalents #17379

Open FranECross opened 2 months ago

FranECross commented 2 months ago


This epic lists Public Websites products which have V1 components with no V3 equivalents (provided by Laura Flannery) so that we may then refer to it and write stories as V3 components become available.

User story

AS A PO/PM managing certain products and features I WANT to ensure the PW team updates V1 components when the Design team creates and makes available V3 components SO THAT the experience for Veterans, their family members, caregivers, or survivors is not degraded when the Design team updates to V3.

Engineering notes / background

Analytics considerations

Quality / testing notes

Acceptance criteria

FranECross commented 2 months ago

@laflannery I've created the epic for the future component work that you captured in your original audit. The AC is for me to create tickets and prioritize as components become available. I'm happy to edit as needed! cc @jilladams