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VAMC Program pages: Automate showing the list of available programs as child pages #17707

Open jilladams opened 3 months ago

jilladams commented 3 months ago

User stories

As an EDITOR, I don't want to manually maintain a list of programs on the Programs page. If a child program page exists, I want it to automatically display on the parent Programs page.

As a VETERAN, I want to see an accurate list of available programs on my VAMC's Programs page.


Currently, Programs pages are manually maintained. Things seen in the wild:

To figure out

Do we need both a Drupal ticket and a FE ticket for this work? Does Main Content on Programs pages need to be addressed in light of automating? Does Design need to determine where the automatically generated List of Programs would appear on page relative to Main Content?


davidmpickett commented 2 months ago

My read of this ticket is

IF a page is published in the Programs sub menu in left nav THEN the top level Programs page [vamc-system-name/programs] should have a listing that matches

So for instance the VA Chicago Health care Programs page is missing a listing about the PACT Act claims clinic

Screenshot 2024-05-03 at 11 42 16 AM

jilladams commented 2 months ago

We need to consider left nav for these pages as well.

jilladams commented 2 months ago

IA opined and has a strong preference that paths match breadcrumbs match nav.

So: there's an implication here that Program pages live under a /programs path, which then has nav & crumb implications. Right now I believe it's true that Program pages are VAMC Detail Pages under the hood, which are not hardened, and people can do all kinds of weird stuff with them. So: when we refine this, we should talk about that part of the problem as well.