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[FE] [Income Limits] Implement updated system error message per VA guidance #17948

Open FranECross opened 2 weeks ago

FranECross commented 2 weeks ago


[2024-05-07] Unblocked by the UX ticket in the current Sprint with Jordan.


There was a previous ticket updating some error message wording on Income limits. Randi pointed out we have a system error that also included "Please" that should probably get updated.


User story

AS A PO/PM/CAIA person I WANT the error messages in the Income Limits app to follow VA guidance SO THAT Veterans, their caregivers, family members and survivors aren't confused by ambiguous wording AND have clear instructions as to next steps when they encounter system errors while using the app

AS A Veteran, their caregiver, family member and survivor I WANT the error messages in the Income Limits app to follow to inform and instruct me SO THAT I'm not confused by ambiguous wording AND I have clear instructions as to next steps when they encounter system errors while using the app

Error message for both scenarios above:

Your answer didn’t go through. We’re sorry. There’s a problem with our system. Refresh this page or try again later.

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