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VBA final design review #17966

Open jilladams opened 2 weeks ago

jilladams commented 2 weeks ago

When component adoption is complete for VBA, we need to design review the template with pre-populated data for several cases. This should start as a FE exercise to ensure that we are:

When those thing are confirmed, FE should tag Design for further design review for any final changes.


jilladams commented 2 weeks ago

Laura started a more granular review, but I paused her. Her notes from just Heading review are in this ticket, but her notes are not comprehensive: #17927

A lot of what she found was happening bc the VBA templates use a lot of pre-existing VAMC code. Once we've adopted components (in #17095) and removed custom classes / code, some of her notes may be outdated.

The forest for the trees here is: VBA build needs to match VBA design, we need to confirm that it does with a variety of data, and we need to use the DS out of the box wherever we can. (Or advocate to the DS to provide anything we require that prevents us from using the DS out of the box.)

jilladams commented 1 week ago

FE points = 3 We need UX points

davidmpickett commented 5 days ago

From UX Sync yesterday, it doesn't make sense to do a holistic design review until all the existing design issues have been addressed. I have added them as blockers to this ticket