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[Aging Content] Edit the existing Full-width banner KB article with information regarding notification emails #18006

Open FranECross opened 4 months ago

FranECross commented 4 months ago


[2024-09-09] [Fran] Message via Slack to Laura (and David P & Jill A) asking for a review of the verbiage.


As part of the Aging Content launch plan, we need to update the existing Full-width banner alert editor-facing KB article, expanding it with information regarding aging content notification emails.

User story

AS AN editor who publishes content (e.g. full-width alerts/banners, blocks, etc.), I WANT to be able to reference a KB article to learn how aging content notifications work SO THAT I'm not confused when I start receiving aging content notifications about my published content.

Engineering notes / background

Analytics considerations

Quality / testing notes

Proposed KB Article Update:

Proposed updates are in italics below.

Best practices and content limitations Learn more about best content practices in the design system documentation.

Acceptance criteria

Noting here that Erika has approved the KB article being reviewed at the team level at this time. She would like us to consult the CMS Content Style Guide and VA Style Guide as references for how you choose to write and update. Although each of these resources are not specific to KB articles, the CMS team will be using them to create our KB template and guidance down the road. They are revamping KB article publication processes, and CMS review/approval is not needed in this particular instance. Slack thread here. cc @jilladams @dsasser

dsasser commented 4 months ago

@FranECross I'm going to point high here, since I think there will be some collab needed here in order to knowledge transfer.

FranECross commented 4 months ago

@FranECross Connect with Erika and ask that the support team reviews before we publish.

dsasser commented 3 months ago

Update 5/24/24

Work has not yet begun due to sprint priority work taking priority. This may roll over as we have a holiday Monday, but not quite in the 🔴 status just yet.

FranECross commented 3 months ago

@dsasser If you don't object, I'm going to assign this to me, and will review the latest demo/video information so I can attempt to craft a KB article draft that you can then review/edit. That way you can concentrate on other stories.

jilladams commented 2 months ago

Hi! I have some random thoughts about this ticket:

  1. We need to get some sort of update on ticket since it's technically in sprint but: I think that update is: we actually aren't ready for this yet. I say that because: we know right now that Randi Hecht will be the only editor who receives these notifications initially, so the KB itself won't have much of an audience for awhile. Meantwhile: Fran, your time is probably better spent in the next sprint (or 2?) on Q3 strategic work to get priority initiatives understood / write briefs / do epic and ticket refining, etc etc. SO: I'm going to remove from Sprint 7, and move back to Ready, and feel free to pull it back in when you have time to work on it. (Or: when you want to reassign it. )

  2. When it is time to do it: I think this is Fran's first go-round with KB's. If you need tactical or moral support: I can help a little, @laflannery has a lot of history with the KB system, and the CMS team maintains a style guide that lives somewhere but I'm not sure where, so Grace / Michelle Dooley can probably help with that. I don't think there's any expectation you can figure it all out on your own.

FranECross commented 6 days ago

Closing this as a no op; decision was made that each content-type KB article will be edited to include information specific to that content type.

laflannery commented 6 days ago

I have some comments/questions:

  1. I think it would be good to clarify if this is 7 regular days or 7 business days that we are counting (I think it's regular days) [Fran] I edited saying including weekends, but would using 'regular days' be better? e.g. all editors know that regular days means including weekends?

  2. Bullet 1 seems a little contradictory to me - we are telling them they really shouldn't be keeping a banner up for longer than 7 days but then also we are saying it's very good for SEO to keep refreshing this content.

    • Maybe it would make sense if this was broken up into a sub-bullet. Banners are for emergencies, we really don't recommend this for longer than 7 days > Sub-bullet: But if you must here's why a longer term banner should be refreshed etc, etc. [Fran] I removed this; it should have only been for the news spotlight block, not for the banner.
    • And then maybe the second bullet something like "to help combat banner fatigue, notifications emails..." but also not quite that because folks don't know what banner fatigue is. I'm just looking for something that might tie in why notification emails are going to be sent. [Fran] I added additional info as an explanation.
  3. Where in the existing article is this new content going to go? Is it a new section/heading or is it going within an existing heading? [Fran] There was actually already some existing info in the KB article, so I just expanded upon it.

  4. The second bullet, regarding when these emails are going to be sent out is actually melting my brain. I am definitely not clear on what is going to be happening, especially for the first email. From what I can gather I think this is what happens:

    • The editor who published the most recent banner gets the email.
    • That editor gets 1 email on day 4 (? - VERY unclear on if this is true), which is 3 days before the expiration date of the banner.
    • That editor will also get an email the morning of the expiration date (which is 7 days from when they first published it).
    • Both of these emails say the same thing (this I am unsure about?) - as they are reminders to archive the banner or resave to restart the 7 day clock. [Fran] I simplified this and didn't specify when they would receive the emails, especially when I realized that they won't only receive two. They will continue to get the last email until they take action (the two emails are a bit different. You can see the text in this ticket)

I also have some clarifying questions in general for the process that aren't covered here:

  1. What happens after day 7 if the editor doesn't go in and reset the 7 day clock? [Fran] They continue to receive the second email until they either archive or edit. (not ideal, but since we aren't yet auto-archiving, they'll just keep getting reminded).
  2. Here's a scenario - a Banner is added by Editor A, clock starts, 1st email goes to Editor A, then Editor B goes in because they realized they had a typo, the clock restarts at that point? So now Editor B will get the 1st email again at the appropriate time? [Fran] True, Editor B will get the 1st email again, and then if the article isn't updated again, Editor B will get the second email as well.
FranECross commented 6 days ago

@laflannery I answered in-line with your questions above (bold/italics with my name). Also, the KB article text has been updated in the ticket description. Thanks!