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[Analytics] [Benefits Hub] Custom GA events removal & va-link component w/analytics adoption #18185

Closed FranECross closed 3 weeks ago

FranECross commented 1 month ago


The va-link component has been enhanced to provide destination and can be used now for applicable Benefit Hubs features, along with removal of the GA custom events.

Details are in the AC.

User story

AS A PO/PM managing Public Websites products & features I WANT to (where appropriate) adopt the va-link component, its baked-in analytics, and remove the custom GA events SO THAT extraneous code is removed and only the events needed will be triggered.

Engineering notes / background

Analytics considerations

Quality / testing notes

Acceptance criteria

randimays commented 1 month ago

Pulling in from stretch.

randimays commented 3 weeks ago

@FranECross This will be in staging by 7am PST today. Will you please review when you have a moment? Here's the PR: if you want to refer to the screenshots for the links that were updated.

randimays commented 3 weeks ago

~@FranECross I have a bit more work to do on the "Call us" links in the right rail. Feel free to hold off on reviewing until I can get that merged. Apologies for the flip flop.~

FranECross commented 3 weeks ago

@randimays No worries, and sounds good!

randimays commented 3 weeks ago

Struck out the comment from above. In going back to update the Call us links to va-telephone components, I put a design question out to Jordan and tagged Laura about splitting up the phone number description and the actual number:

Laura pointed out that because we have a bit too much wriggle room in the CMS for adding phone numbers, our va-telephone component cannot easily support all the different types of numbers it'll receive. (The GIBILL number on is a good example of an outlier). Her ticket:

When #17326 is addressed, we can convert (at least most of) these phone numbers to va-telephone and remove the custom events on them.

@FranECross (phew, sorry) we're ready to validate in production and close this ticket on your signal. Also updating the ACs to exclude this phone number stuff too.

FranECross commented 3 weeks ago

@randimays Turns out I can't test on Staging because Adswerve isn't available and I don't have permissions to upload it, but the screenshots give me what I need. Approved! Thanks so much.

randimays commented 3 weeks ago

No worries, Fran! I was able to validate everything in production 👍🏻 Closing as complete.