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PPMS: Establish workflow to connect to PPMS nprod environment via SOCKS #18239

Open jilladams opened 1 month ago

jilladams commented 1 month ago

User Story or Problem Statement

As a Facilities engineer, I want the ability to develop against the PPMS API locally so that I can more rapidly iterate code.

Description or Additional Context

Steps for Implementation

Acceptance Criteria

jilladams commented 1 month ago

Based on office hours today, we went ahead and filed a SNOW ticket with PPMS to work out if we can get a contact to talk to about their firewall:

INC33413564 -

I requested to have @eselkin added as cc, but SNOW tix are weird so who knows if that will happen / work.

jilladams commented 1 month ago

Per SNOW ticket, we heard that we will need to contact the VAEC group and submit a ticket through them. They handle outside access through the firewall. The network POC is