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Breadcrumbs pulling from wrong place for Family Member Hub #18412

Closed gracekretschmer-metrostar closed 2 days ago

gracekretschmer-metrostar commented 1 week ago


[2024-07-03] [Fran] Targeting Sprint 8. Request for async refinement in Slack here.

User Story or Problem Statement

The CAIA team created the Family Member Hub and the breadcrumbs are not correct on the page. The CAIA team troubleshooted and determined that the breadcrumbs are displaying due to a bug within the system.   CAIA's Report We launched family member hub here:

This Benefit Detail page has the wrong breadcrumbs, even though it's set up the same as the other child pages in this section:

Same breadcrumbs as other child pages, like this one (which we think is set up identically in drupal):

Relevant Links

Steps for Implementation

Acceptance Criteria

JakeBapple commented 1 week ago

confirming that pages that are seemingly structured the same (same content type, section menu), are experiencing different breadcrumbs. The incorrect one: and this is an example of one that is correct:

A screenshot of the pathing on the admin side: breadcrumb

JakeBapple commented 1 week ago

Suggested fix would be to give the incorrect one a different menu parent, save, and then change back and save to see if that helps.

laurwill commented 1 week ago

@JakeBapple I changed section to VACO, saved, and published. Breadcrumbs didn't change in Drupal preview or on live site after next content build.

I changed the section back to the correct section (OCTO, Sitewide content, Family member hub), since that fix didn't seem to work.

I'll be OOO next week, but @kristinoletmuskat will be available if you need us to do anything else! Thanks so much for your help.

gracekretschmer-metrostar commented 6 days ago

Thanks, @laurwill. @JakeBapple is out until 7/8 and then can pick up this work once he is back.

gracekretschmer-metrostar commented 6 days ago

Apologies for the confusion, but @anantais is going to scrub in while Jake is out to push this ticket along.

anantais commented 5 days ago

Update: It looks like this may be something that a different team needs to alter the settings for. I am currently trying to figure out who owns the files I have found.

jilladams commented 4 days ago

@anantais per Slack thread today that will come back to Sitewide. Could you add your notes in comments here re: which files you're looking at / what you've figured out so far? That will help our team figure out where to start.

gracekretschmer-metrostar commented 4 days ago

And @anantais please include links to the public slack threads where you posted questions and help for this breadcrumb issue. Thanks!

anantais commented 4 days ago

I made a post in #platform-cop-frontend but a person there directed me to post in #platform-design-system. Here is the thread there:

And the original slack thread:

anantais commented 4 days ago

These are a couple of files I found that appear to reference breadcrumbs or overrides.

vets-website/src/applications/ivc-champva/10-7959C/containers/App.jsx - "family and caregiver benefits" breadcrumbs line 12 content-build/src/applications/registry.json - breadcrumbs overrides "family and caregiver benefits" line 195

I could not find any files in Drupal where I was able to change breadcrumbs. Just the general taxonomy which does not directly correspond to what is shown in breadcrumbs.

jilladams commented 4 days ago

Hi y'all - I took another look here, and I think we need to revisit the assumption that this doesn't start with the CMS. (@anantais Maybe you can help us understand how you ruled out CMS as the root of the issue.) I am asking, because the same incorrect breadcrumbs show in the Drupal UI for this node as they do in the front-end:

Incorrect crumbs: Screenshot 2024-07-03 at 2 51 22 PM

Vs. Correct crumbs: Screenshot 2024-07-03 at 2 51 52 PM

In our decoupled instance, that indicates that Drupal is somehow involved in setting the incorrect crumb that's being passed to the FE.

There are some very high level docs about how Breadcrumbs are built starting from the CMS in the Drupal content model docs here: Also: your good friend @timcosgrove was instrumental in updating the breadcrumb logic while on the last contract, so may be a good person to ask about that.

jilladams commented 4 days ago

Noting: Took a look at the 2 files referenced further up in comments: - "family and caregiver benefits" breadcrumbs line 12

All that said: there's a chance the DST PR ( may fix it, potentially, but if not, I'd like us to collectively triple check the CMS crumbs and how they are implicated, since they're showing up wonky in Drupal, too.

jilladams commented 4 days ago

This is a random probably bad idea. but: I did also just test in Tugboat: what would happen if we just recreate the page with busted crumbs? Will the bad crumbs repro? They do not.

Looks good in Drupal: Screenshot 2024-07-03 at 3 37 07 PM

I just did a content release, FE will build here: If that looks good, we could opt to go this route in prod as well, if CAIA is comfortable with it. ... 🤷‍♀️

jilladams commented 4 days ago

FYI @kristinoletmuskat ^ since I know Laura's out.

kristinoletmuskat commented 2 days ago

@jilladams if it works, we are fine with it! I think another test would be to see whether the work y'all are doing to add the left nav would result in correct or incorrect breadcrumbs. Over in that ticket, Daniel's screenshot showed the same weird breadcrumbs showing up in tugboat -- no idea what's going on over there, but could we try this solution on that side too?

jilladams commented 2 days ago

@kristinoletmuskat Yep, the page Daniel flagged is the same page, so should fix it. If I'm not mistaken, we can get all these changes queued to go out in the same content release -- can queue that up, but would want someone from CAIA to sign off that nothing is wrong on the new/dupe page before I publish and make the swap. Are you working with someone from Content while Laura's out who could help with that?

jilladams commented 2 days ago

Duped content page is in draft:

kristinoletmuskat commented 2 days ago

Yes sounds like @RLHecht can take a look!

RLHecht commented 2 days ago

@jilladams this dupe looks good to me to publish.

jilladams commented 2 days ago

Dupe is published, original node is archived, and menu has been updated. THe update is waiting on content release now. 11535 is currently in progress. theoretically these changes will be in #11536

And then should show correct crumbs.

I'm reassigning this to myself, since this content fix should remove the need for a CMS deep dive on what happened here, and we can always revisit if another node gets into a similar state in the future.

jilladams commented 2 days ago

Fixed crumbs are live! Closing.

Screenshot 2024-07-05 at 1 44 12 PM