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[Homepage] [Analytics] Analyze Medallia qualitative survey data #18428

Open aklausmeier opened 4 days ago

aklausmeier commented 4 days ago

Status: Medallia data has been requested by Amanda in #87383.


Pull Medalia data and analyze in order to understand user feedback, which will be used to determine opportunities for improvement or enhancements to homepage.

User story

AS A PO/PM of the Public Websites team I WANT to understand current user feedback on the products in the Public Websites portfolio SO THAT we can consider if there are any that we should try to work

When writing ACs and estimating, check how many rows are present in remaining data.

Notes / Background

Acceptance criteria

aklausmeier commented 4 days ago

@FranECross FYA added this ticket for team awareness. I'll be working on in the background along with newly established analytics GH documentation. As a team we will want to maintain tracking KPIs so we are prepared for any outside requests for any potential changes.

cc @mmiddaugh

FranECross commented 3 days ago

@aklausmeier I love the analytics documentation page for the Home Page! I'm currently endeavoring to grab metrics for all PW products monthly and then do a quarterly rollup. I'll add this page to my ToDo list so that I'll remember to update it monthly when I do the other pages (which I'm about a month behind on).